中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2014年第1期
语言文字 | 医药卫生 | 卫生学 | 基础医学 | 内科学 | 外科学 | 儿科学 | 肿瘤学 | 神经病学与精神病学
语言文字 |
《科学研究论文写作:策略和步骤 (第二版)》 Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps, 2nd Edition Margaret Cargill, Patrick O'Connor |
医药卫生 |
《理解临床论文(第三版)》 Understanding Clinical Papers, 3rd Edition David Bowers |
《认识医学教育、证据、理论和实践(第二版)》 Understanding Medical Education: Evidence,Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition Tim Swanwick (Editor) |
卫生学 |
《社区护理与公共卫生护理(第五版)》 Community and Public Health Nursing, 5th Edition David Sines (Editor) |
《新发流行病:处理及控制》 Emerging Epidemics: Management and Control Prakash S. Bisen, Ruchika Raghuvanshi |
《如何评价医疗系统中的学生及受训者》 How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health Olwyn M. R. Westwood, Ann Griffin, Frank C. Hay (Editors) |
《医疗学术界的导师制》 Mentorship in Academic Medicine Sharon E. Straus, David L. Sackett |
基础医学 |
《小脑:运动学习、语言及社交》 The Cerebellum: Learning Movement, Language, and Social Skills Dianne M. Broussard |
内科学 |
《心脏起搏、除颤及再同步化治疗:临床实践用书 (第三版)》 Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization: A Clinical Approach, 3rd Edition David L. Hayes, Samuel J. Asirvatham, Paul A. Friedman (Editors) |
《腔内及镶嵌技术治疗结构性心脏和主动脉疾病》 Endovascular and Hybrid Therapies for Structural Heart and Aortic Disease Jacques. Kpodonu, R. Bonan (Editors.) |
《实用结肠镜技术》 Practical Colonoscopy Jerome D. Waye, James. Aisenberg, Peter H. Rubin |
《糖尿病的预防》 Prevention of Diabetes Peter Schwarz, Prasuna. Reddy (Editors) |
《Yamada 胃肠病学手册(第三版)》 Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition Tadataka. Yamada, John M. Inadomi (Editors) |
外科学 |
《腹部器官获取和移植手术学》 Abdominal Organ Retrieval and Transplantation Bench Surgery Gabriel C. Oniscu, John L. R. Forsythe, John Julian Fung (Editors) |
儿科学 |
《儿童脊髓疾病》 Disorders of the Spinal Cord in Children Michael Pike (Editor) |
《儿科药物发展:理论与实践 (第二版)》 Pediatric Drug Development, 2nd Edition Andrew E. Mulberg [et al] |
肿瘤学 |
《癌症细胞信号通路概览》 Cancer Cell Signalling Amanda Harvey (Editor) |
神经病学与精神病学 |
《临床运动精神病学:国际视角》 Clinical Sports Psychiatry: An International Perspective David A. Baron, Claudia L. Reardon, Steven H. Baron (Editors) |
《改善精神卫生保健:全球性挑战》 Improving Mental Health Care: The Global Challenge Graham Thornicroft, Mirella Ruggeri, David P. Goldberg (Editors) |
《运动康复中的神经工程学》 Introduction to Neural Engineering for Motor Rehabilitation Dario Farina, Winnie Jensen, Metin Akay (Editors) |
《颅脑血管检查:卒中患者颅脑血管的超声评估》 Neurovascular Examination: The Rapid Evaluation of Stroke Patients Using Ultrasound Waveform Interpretation Andrei V. Alexandrov |