作物科学 |
 | 植物非生物胁迫 Plant Abiotic Stress, 2nd Edition Matthew A. Jenks, Paul M. Hasegawa著 |
 | 基因组学向作物育种的转化,第一卷 Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding: Volume 1 Rajeev Varshney, Roberto Tuberosa著 |
 | 基因组学向作物育种的转化,第二卷 Translational Genomics for Crop Breeding: Volume 2 Rajeev Varshney, Roberto Tuberosa著 |
 | 生物燃料作物的可持续性 Biofuel Crop Sustainability Bharat Singh著 |
 | 生物能源原料 Bioenergy Feedstocks Malay C. Saha, Hem S. Bhandhari, Joseph H. Bouton著 |
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动物科学 |
 | 家畜卵母细胞生理学与发育 Oocyte Physiology and Development in Domestic Animals Rebecca Krisher著 |
 | 农场动物麻醉学 Farm Animal Anesthesia HuiChu Lin, Paul Walz著 |
 | 动物源性结核病,第三版 Zoonotic Tuberculosis, 3rd Edition Charles O. Thoen, James H. Steele, John B. Kaneene著 |
 | 兽医和动物伦理 Veterinary and Animal Ethics Christopher Wathes, Sandra Corr, Stephen May, Steven McCulloch, Martin Whiting著 |
 | Noordsy 氏食用动物手术学,第五版 Noordsy's Food Animal Surgery, 5th Edition N. Kent Ames著 |
 | 兽医皮肤病研究进展,第七卷 Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 7 Sheila M. F. Torres, Linda Frank, Ann Hargis著 |
 | 兽医血液学与临床化学,第二版 Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry, 2nd Edition Mary Anna Thrall, Glade Weiser, Robin Allison, Terry W. Campbell著 |
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园艺科学 |
 | 果实成熟分子生物学和生物化学 The Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening Graham Seymour, Gregory A. Tucker, Mervin Poole, James Giovannoni 著 |
 | 水果中生物活性成分 Bioactives in Fruit Margot Skinner, Denise Hunter著 |
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林业科学 |
 | 植被生态学,第二版 Vegetation Ecology, 2nd Edition Eddy van der Maarel, Janet Franklin著 |
 | 植被生态学数据分析,第二版 Data Analysis in Vegetation Ecology, 2nd Edition Otto Wildi著 |
 | 森林土壤生态与管理,第四版 Ecology and Management of Forest Soils, 4th Edition Dan Binkley, Richard Fisher 著 |
植物保护 |
 | 农药应用方法,第四版 Pesticide Application Methods, 4th Edition Graham Matthews, Roy Bateman, Paul Miller 著 |
 | 寄生蜂化学生态学 Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids Eric Wajnberg, Stefano Colazza著 |
 | 杂草解剖学 Weed Anatomy Hansjoerg Kraehmer, Peter Baur 著 |
 | 粮食产业链真菌毒素的控制 Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains John F. Leslie, Antonio Logrieco著 |
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水产科学 |
 | 鱼类的共生现象 Symbiosis in Fishes Ilan Karplus著 |
 | 鱼类免疫接种 Fish Vaccination Roar Gudding, Atle Lillehaug, Oystein Evensen著 |
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生物科学 |
 | 植物着丝粒生物学 Plant Centromere Biology Jiming Jiang/James A. Birchler著 |
 | 植物转座子和基因组进化 Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution Nina V. Fedoroff著 |
 | 植物代谢组学手册 The Handbook of Plant Metabolomics Wolfram Weckwerth, Guenter Kahl著 |
食品科学 |
 | 实用食品安全学 Practical Food Safety Rajeev Bhat, Vicente M. Gomez-Lopez著 |
 | 食品化学 The Chemistry of Food Jan Velisek著 |
 | 食物过敏原检测 Food Allergen Testing George Siragakis, Dimosthenis Kizis著 |
 | 食品配方工程 Formulation Engineering of Foods Jennifer E. Norton, Peter Fryer, Ian T. Norton著 |
 | 食源性病原体指南,第二版 Guide to Foodborne Pathogens, 2nd Edition Ronald G. Labbé, Santos García著 |
 | 食用油脂加工,第二版 Edible Oil Processing, 2nd Edition Wolf Hamm, Richard J. Hamilton, Gijs Calliauw著 |