中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》- 2011年第1期(总第6期)

生物科学 |  基础医学  |  临床医学  |  内科学  |  妇产科学  |  肿瘤学  |  神经病学与精神病学  |  药学

Krishan_9780470543986_small 《流式细胞仪在干细胞研究和组织再生中的应用》
Applications of Flow Cytometry in Stem Cell Research and Tissue Regeneration

Awtar Krishan,H. Krishnamurthy,Satish Totey 编著

Emmert-Streib_9783527325856_small 《复杂疾病的医学统计学》
Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases

Frank Emmert-Streib,Matthias Dehmer 编著

Newsholme_9780471988205_small 《健康与疾病中的功能生物化学》
Functional Biochemistry in Health and Disease

E. A. Newsholme,A. R. Leech 编著

Starkey_9780470711576_small 《基因组学基本方法》
Genomics: Essential Methods

Mike Starkey,Ramnath Elaswarapu 编著

Weinstein_9781573317757_small 《生殖衰老的生物人口统计学》
The Biodemography of Reproductive Aging

Maxine Weinstein,Kathleen O’Connor 编著

Miller_9780470740330_small 《疾病人群的成瘾性病症》
Addictive Disorders in Medical Populations

Norman S. Miller,Mark S. Gold 编著

Vaidya_9780470452240_small 《生物标志物——在医学,药物发现和环境健康领域的研究和应用》
Biomarkers: In Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Environmental Health

Vishal S. Vaidya,Joseph V. Bonventre 编著

Kent_9781405184335_small 《循证护理系列丛书之循证护理实践的临床情境》
Evidence-Based Nursing Series
Clinical Context for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Bridie Kent,Brendan McCormack 编著

Barnett_9780470519813_small 《肥胖与糖尿病(第二版)》
Obesity and Diabetes, 2nd Edition

Tony Barnett,Sudhesh Kumar 编著

Tarlo_9780470515945_small 《职业和环境相关肺疾病》
Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases

Susan Tarlo,Paul Cullinan,Benoit Nemery 编著

Talley_9781405182737_small 《应用胃肠病学和肝病学——小肠、大肠和胰腺》
Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Esophagus and Stomach

Nicholas J. Talley,Kenneth R. DeVault,David E. Fleischer 编著

Talley_9781405182744_small 《实用胃肠病学——食管和胃》
Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Small and Large Intestine and Pancreas

Nicholas Joseph Talley(主编),Sunanda Kane(分卷编辑),Michael B. Wallace(分卷编辑)

Holt_9781405191814_small 《糖尿病学(第四版)》
Textbook of Diabetes, 4th Edition

Richard I. G. Holt等编著

Belfort_9781405152730_small 《产科重症监护(第五版)》
Critical Care Obstetrics, 5th Edition

Michael A. Belfort 主编

Powrie_9781405148474_small 《产科临床中的内科合并症(第五版)》
De Swiet’s Medical Disorders in Obstetric Practice, 5th Edition

Raymond O. Powrie,Michael F. Greene,William. Camann,Michael De Swiet 编著

Fialho_9780470444672_small 《不断涌现的癌症疗法——微生物途径和生物技术工具》
Emerging Cancer Therapy: Microbial Approaches and Biotechnological Tools

Arsenio Fialho,Ananda M. Chakrabarty编著

Markland_9783527320912_small 《肿瘤血管形成——从分子机理到靶向治疗》
Tumor Angiogenesis: From Molecular Mechanisms to Targeted Therapy

Francis S. Markland,Stephen Swenson,Radu Minea 编著

Kissane_9780470689660_small 《肿瘤与抑郁》
Depression and Cancer

David W. Kissane,Mario Maj,Norman Sartorius 编著

Rutter_9781405145930_small 《鲁特儿童青少年精神病学(第五版)》
Rutter’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 5th Edition

Michael Rutter 等编著

Overeem_9781405188432_small 《神经睡眠障碍疾病——实用入门》
Sleep Disorders in Neurology: A Practical Approach

Sebastiaan Overeem,Paul Reading 编著

Tretter_9783527325030_small 《精神病学研究中的系统生物学》
Systems Biology in Psychiatric Research: From High-Throughput Data to Mathematical Modeling

Felix Tretter 等编著

Dutton_9781898683865_small 《由于脑损害引起的儿童视觉障碍》
Visual Impairment in Children due to Damage to the Brain

Gordon Dutton,Martin Bax 编著

Mussen_9780470060858_small 《医药效益风险评估——决策时的系统评价》
Benefit-Risk Appraisal of Medicines: A Systematic Approach to Decision-Making

Filip Mussen,Sam Salek,Stuart R. Walker 编著

Curry_9780470684467_small 《药物处置与药代动力学——从原则到应用》
Drug Disposition and Pharmacokinetics: From Principles to Applications

Stephen H. Curry,Robin Whelpton 编著

Edwards_9781405194723_small 《制药学的原理与实践(第三版)》
Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 3rd Edition

Lionel D. Edwards,Anthony W. Fox,Peter D. Stonier 编著