中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》- 2010年第3期(总第5期)

医药卫生 |  卫生学  |  临床医学  |  内科学  |  外科学  |  妇产科学  |  儿科学  |  口腔医学 / 牙科  |  药学

Swanwick_9781405196802_small 《领悟医学教育--证据、理论和实践》
Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice

Tim Swanwick编著

Olov_9783527325825_small 《化学、健康和环境(第二版)》
Chemistry, Health and Environment, 2nd Edition

Sterner Olov编著
Vincent_9781405192217_small 《病人安全(第二版)》
Patient Safety, 2nd Edition

Charles Vincent编著

ALSG_9780727918543_small 《非手术急症——临床实践(第二版)》
Acute Medical Emergencies: The Practical Approach, 2nd Edition

Advanced Life Support Group编著

ONeill_9781405188500_small 《围手术期护理(第二版)》
Caring for the Perioperative Patient, 2nd Edition

Paul Wicker与Joy O’Neill编著

Lymn_9780470519875_small 《处方新手》
The New Prescriber: An Integrated Approach to Medical and Non-Medical Prescribing

Joanne S. Lymn编著

Gerrish_9781405190480_small 《护理研究过程(第六版)》
The Research Process in Nursing, 6th Edition

Kate Gerrish与Anne Lacey编著

Goldstein_9781405186513_small 《卒中预防与治疗入门》
A Primer on Stroke Prevention and Treatment: An overview based on AHA/ASA Guidelines

Larry B. Goldstein编著

Griffins_9781405148573_small 《心血管危重病人的处理》
Cardiovascular Critical Care

Mark Griffiths, Jeremy Cordingley, Susanna Price编著

Loeb_9781405170260_small 《循证感染性疾病(第二版)》
Evidence-Based Infectious Diseases, 2nd Edition

Mark Loeb, Fiona Smaill, Marek Smieja编著

Bilous_9781405184090_small 《糖尿病手册(第四版)》
Handbook of Diabetes, 4th Edition

Rudy Bilous, Richard Donnelly编著

Jing_9781405195560_small 《超声心动图实践手册:101例病例分析》
Practical Handbook of Echocardiography: 101 Case Studies

Jing Ping Sun, Joel Felner, John Merlino编著

Zuckerman_9780470517994_small 《临床病毒学原理与实践(第六版)》
Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology, 6th Edition

Arie J. Zuckerman等编著

Goldberg_9781405190800_small 《面部皮肤年轻化》
Facial Resurfacing

David J. Goldberg编著

Queenan_9781405196505_small 《产科临床中的内科合并症(第五版)》
Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies: An Evidence-Based Approach, 5th Edition

John T. Queenan, John C. Hobbins, Catherine Y. Spong编著

Waters_9781405158893_small 《预防儿童肥胖——循证的政策和实践》
Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence, Policy and Practice

Elizabeth Waters等编著

口腔医学 / 牙科
Froum_9780813808413_small 《种植修复并发症——病因、预防和治疗》
Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment

Stuart J. Froum编著

Geissberger_9780813828251_small 《美容牙科学临床实践》
Esthetic Dentistry in Clinical Practice

Marc Geissberger编著

Cayen_9780470170861_small 《早期药物研发——药物进入首次人体试验的策略和途径》
Early Drug Development: Strategies and Routes to First-in-Human Trials

Mitchell N. Cayen编著
Testa_9783906390550_small 《药物代谢生物化学(两卷套)》
The Biochemistry of Drug Metabolism: Two Volume Set

Bernard Testa, Stefanie D. Krämer编著