中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2013年第2期
生物科学 | 卫生学 | 基础医学 | 临床医学 | 内科学 | 外科学 | 肿瘤学 | 精神病学 | 皮肤病学 | 口腔科学
生物科学 |
《DNA与基因组技术词典(第三版)》 Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology, 3rd Edition Singleton, Paul. |
《基因组结构和序列对变异与进化的影响(第1267卷)》 Effects of Genome Structure and Sequence on the Generation of Variation and Evolution Caporale, Lynn Helena. (Editor) |
《发育生物学精要(第三版》 Essential Developmental Biology, 3rd Edition Slack, Jonathan M. W. (Editor) |
卫生学 |
《成为一名完美的临床医师:实习医师、住院医师和高年资医师的应知应会》 Becoming a Consummate Clinician: What Every Student, House Officer and Hospital Practitioner Needs to Know Goldberger, Ary Louis, Goldberger, Zachary D. |
《降低物质滥用和高危行为的危害:国际政策和实践》 Harm Reduction in Substance Use and High-Risk Behaviour Pates, Richard., Riley, Diane M. (Editors) |
基础医学 |
《膀胱病理学》 Bladder Pathology Cheng, Liang., Lopez-Beltran, Antonio., Bostwick, David G. |
临床医学 |
《急诊医学中的伦理问题:基于讨论的回顾》 Ethical Problems in Emergency Medicine: A Discussion-based Review Jesus, John.(Editor) |
《姑息治疗手册(第三版)》 Handbook of Palliative Care, 3rd Edition Faull, Christina. (Editor) |
《儿科高级生命支持(第二版)》 Paediatric Advanced Life Support: A Practical Guide for Nurses, 2nd Edition Jevon, Philip. |
内科学 |
《临床心电图学(第四版)》 Clinical Electrocardiography: A Textbook, 4th Edition Bayés de Luna, Antoni, Genis, A. Bayés. |
《纽约科学研究院年报之促进心血管健康进程中的新挑战(第1254卷)》 Evolving Challenges in Promoting Cardiovascular Health Fuster, Valentin. (Editor) |
《糖尿病视网膜病变筛查手册(第二版)》 Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes: Diagnosis and Management, 2nd Edition Taylor, Roy, Batey, Deborah. |
《血管炎症性疾病(第二版)》 Inflammatory Diseases of Blood Vessels, 2nd Edition Hoffman, Gary S. (Editor) |
《实验血液学实践》 Laboratory Hematology Practice Kottke-Marchant, Kandice., Davis, Bruce H. (Editors) |
外科学 |
《Haimovici血管外科学(第六版)》 Haimovici's Vascular Surgery, 6th Edition Haimovici, Henry, Ascher, Enrico. (Editors) |
肿瘤学 |
《作为代谢性疾病的肿瘤》 Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer Seyfried, Thomas N. |
《儿童血液病学及肿瘤学手册(第二版)》 Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland, 2nd Edition Hastings, Caroline, Torkildson, Joseph C., Agrawal, Anurag K. |
《神经肿瘤学》 Neuro-oncology Packer, Roger J., Schiff, David (Editors) |
精神病学 |
《神经系统疾病中的抑郁症:诊断和管理》 Depression in Neurologic Disorders: Diagnosis and Management Kanner, Andres M. (Editor) |
《神经科学与音乐IV(第1252卷):学习和记忆》 Neurosciences and Music IV: Learning and Memory Overy, Katie (Editor) |
皮肤病学 |
《Baran和Dawber甲疾病和处理(第四版)》 Baran and Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management, 4th Edition Baran, R., Dawber, R. P. R. (Editors) |
《皮肤外科学》 Dermatologic Surgery: Step by Step Nouri, Keyvan. (Editor) |
《性传播疾病》 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Beigi, Richard H.(Editor) |
口腔科学 |
《完整临床正畸学》 Integrated Clinical Orthodontics Krishnan, Vinod., Davidovitch, Zeev. (Editors) |
《口腔与颅面学中的矿化组织:生物学原理与临床联系》 Mineralized Tissues in Oral and Craniofacial Science: Biological Principles and Clinical Correlates McCauley, Laurie K., Somerman, Martha J. (Editors) |