中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2013年第1期
基础医学 |
《病原微生物学简明手册》 A Concise Manual of Pathogenic Microbiology Mishra, Saroj |
《紧密连接蛋白形成的屏障和通道》 Barriers and Channels Formed by Tight Junction Proteins II Fromm, Michael, Schulzke, Jörg-Dieter.(Editors) |
《真核微生物的毒力进化》 Evolution of Virulence in Eukaryotic Microbes Sibley, L. David., Howlett, Barbara J., Heitman, Joseph. (Editors) |
《颅面干细胞的发育与再生》 Stem Cells, Craniofacial Development and Regeneration Huang,George T.J., Thesleff Irma (Editors) |
临床医学 |
《人类血型(第三版)》 Human Blood Groups, 3rd Edition Daniels, Geoff. |
内科学 |
《曲霉病研究进展》 Advances Against Aspergillosis I: Medical Science Clemons, Karl V., Richardson, M. D., Perlin, David. (Editors) |
《心脏标测(第四版)》 Cardiac Mapping, 4th Edition Shenasa, Mohammad (Editor) |
《心血管临床试验:将循证证据引入临床实践》 Cardiovascular Clinical Trials: Putting the Evidence into Practice Flather, M., Bhatt, Deepak L., Geisler, Tobias. (Editors)< |
《可弯曲支气管镜检查(第三版)》 Flexible Bronchoscopy, 3rd Edition Wang, Ko Pen., Mehta, Atul C., Turner, J. Francis. (Editors) |
《旅行医学原则及实践(第二版)》 Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine, 2nd Edition Zuckerman, Jane N. (Editor) |
《临床胃肠病学和肝病学(第二版)》 Textbook of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2nd Edition Hawkey, C. J. (Editors) |
外科学 |
《肌肉骨骼创伤影像的解读和报告》 Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma: Interpretation and Reporting Donovan, Andrea., Schweitzer, Mark E. (Editors) |
《运动治疗服务:组织和运作》 Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Sports Therapy Zachazewski, James E., Magee, David J. (Editors) |
肿瘤学 |
《老年肿瘤学手册:研究与实践》 Cancer and Aging Handbook: Research and Practice Bellizzi, Keith M., Gosney, Margot. (Editors) |
神经病学与精神病学 |
《脑刺激在神经科和精神科的优势、机遇和挑战》 Brain Stimulation in Neurology and Psychiatry: Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges Pedley, Timothy A. (Editor) |
《儿童青少年精神病学(第三版)》 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 3rd Edition Goodman, Robert, Scott, Stephen |
《儿童神经系统发育障碍诊治指南》 Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Seal, Arnab. (Editor) |
《癫痫的饮食治疗:生酮饮食治疗的实际实施》 Dietary Treatment of Epilepsy: Practical Implementation of Ketogenic Therapy Neal, Elizabeth (Editor) |
《儿童及青少年癫痫》 Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents Wheless, James. (Editor) |
口腔科学 |
《口腔医学和具有系统疾病的病人(第六版)》 Oral Medicine and Medically Complex Patients, 6th Edition Lockhart, Peter B. (Editor) |
《口腔临床治疗中的风险评估及常见口腔颌面部疾病的诊断》 Risk Assessment and Oral Diagnostics in Clinical Dentistry Fischer, Dena Joi., Treister, Nathaniel S., Pinto, Andres |
药学 |
《酒与药物滥用》 A Cochrane Handbook of Alcohol and Drug Misuse Abraha, Iosief., Cusi, Cristina. |
《分子药理学:从DNA到药物发现》 Molecular Pharmacology: From DNA to Drug Discovery Dickenson, John (Editor) |
《人类药物转运体的药理基因组学》 Pharmacogenomics of Human Drug Transporters: Clinical Impacts Ishikawa Toshihisa, Kim,Richard B., König Jörg (Editors) |