中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2012年第2期
基础医学 | 临床医学 | 内科学 | 外科学 | 妇产科学 | 肿瘤学 | 神经病学 | 眼科学 | 口腔科学 | 药学
基础医学 |
《免疫学 — 粘膜与体表防御》 Immunology: Mucosal and Body Surface Defences Andrew E. Williams, Tracy Hussell, Clare Lloyd |
《人类职能中肌肉,神经及其运动(第四版)》 Tyldesley & Grieve’s Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation, 4th Edition Ian R. McMillan, Gail Carin-Levy, Barbara Tyldesley |
临床医学 |
《内镜超声图谱》 Atlas of endoscopic ultrasonography Frank Gress (Editor) |
《微针经皮和皮下给药》 Microneedle-Mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery Ryan F. Donnelly (Editor) |
《急诊和重症医学中视觉诊断(第二版)》 Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, 2nd Edition Christopher P. Holstege (Editor) |
内科学 |
《用于哮喘或COPD的联合治疗进展》 Advances in Combination Therapy for Asthma and COPD Jan Lotvall (Editor) |
《危重症肥胖患者的治疗》 Critical Care Management of the Obese Patient Ali El Solh (Editor) |
《胃肠病学精要》 Essentials of Gastroenterology Shanthi Sitaraman, Lawrence S. Friedman (Editor) |
《消化道出血(第二版)》 Gastrointestinal Bleeding, 2nd Edition Joseph Sung, Ernst Kuipers, Alan Barkun (Editors) |
《消化科临床病例精析》 Problem-based Approach to Gastroenterology and Hepatology John Plevris, Colin Howden (Editors) |
《阶梯式糖尿病管理(第三版)》 Staged Diabetes Management, 3rd Edition R. S. Mazze (Editor) |
外科学 |
《循证骨科学》 Evidence-based Orthopedics Mohit Bhandari, Anthony Adili (Editors.) |
《颈动脉和弓上动脉(第二版)— 从诊断、血管扩张到支架》 The Carotid and Supra-Aortic Trunks: Diagnosis, Angioplasty and Stenting, 2nd Edition Michel Henry, Edward B. Diethrich, Antonios Polydorou (Editors.) |
妇产科学 |
《Dewhurst's妇产科学(第八版)》 Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 8th Edition John Dewhurst, D. Keith. Edmonds, (Editors.) |
《高危妊娠处理的循证观点(第六版)》 Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, 6th Edition John T. Queenan, Catherine Y. Spong, Charles J. Lockwood (Editors.) |
肿瘤学 |
《肿瘤风险评估》 Cancer Risk Evaluation G. Obe (Editor) |
《前列腺癌局部治疗》 Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer Hashim Uddin Ahmed (Editor) |
神经病学 |
《神经肌肉疾病》 Neuromuscular Disorders Rabi N. Tawil, Shannon Lee Venance (Editors) |
《帕金森病 — 非运动和非多巴胺能症状》 Parkinson's Disease: Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features C. W. Olanow, F. Stocchi, Anthony E. Lang (Editors) |
《智力障碍精神病学 — 临床手册》 Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability: A Practical Manual Julie P. Gentile, Paulette Marie Gillig (Editors) |
眼科学 |
《临床斜视矫正(第三版)》 Clinical Orthoptics, 3rd Edition Fiona J. Rowe |
口腔科学 |
《牙周临床病例分析》 Clinical Cases in Periodontics Nadeem Karimbux |
《实用口腔种植及牙周相关骨手术》 Practical Osseous Surgery in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry Serge Dibart, Jean-Pierre Dibart (Editors) |
《牙外伤手册(第三版)》 Traumatic Dental Injuries: A Manual, 3rd Edition J. O. Andreasen (Editor) |
药学 |
《临床治疗的药物基因组学》 Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics Loralie J. Langman, Amitava Dasgupta (Editors) |