中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2012年第2期

基础医学 |  临床医学 |  内科学 |  外科学 |  妇产科学 |  肿瘤学 |  神经病学 |  眼科学 |  口腔科学 |  药学


《免疫学 — 粘膜与体表防御》
Immunology: Mucosal and Body Surface Defences

Andrew E. Williams, Tracy Hussell, Clare Lloyd
Tyldesley & Grieve’s Muscles, Nerves and Movement in Human Occupation, 4th Edition

Ian R. McMillan, Gail Carin-Levy, Barbara Tyldesley


Atlas of endoscopic ultrasonography

Frank Gress (Editor)
Microneedle-Mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery

Ryan F. Donnelly (Editor)
Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, 2nd Edition

Christopher P. Holstege (Editor)


Advances in Combination Therapy for Asthma and COPD

Jan Lotvall (Editor)
Critical Care Management of the Obese Patient

Ali El Solh (Editor)
Essentials of Gastroenterology

Shanthi Sitaraman, Lawrence S. Friedman (Editor)
Gastrointestinal Bleeding, 2nd Edition

Joseph Sung, Ernst Kuipers, Alan Barkun (Editors)
Problem-based Approach to Gastroenterology and Hepatology

John Plevris, Colin Howden (Editors)
Staged Diabetes Management, 3rd Edition

R. S. Mazze (Editor)


Evidence-based Orthopedics

Mohit Bhandari, Anthony Adili (Editors.)
《颈动脉和弓上动脉(第二版)— 从诊断、血管扩张到支架》
The Carotid and Supra-Aortic Trunks: Diagnosis, Angioplasty and Stenting, 2nd Edition

Michel Henry, Edward B. Diethrich, Antonios Polydorou (Editors.)


Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 8th Edition

John Dewhurst, D. Keith. Edmonds, (Editors.)
Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, 6th Edition

John T. Queenan, Catherine Y. Spong, Charles J. Lockwood (Editors.)


Cancer Risk Evaluation

G. Obe (Editor)
Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer

Hashim Uddin Ahmed (Editor)


Neuromuscular Disorders

Rabi N. Tawil, Shannon Lee Venance (Editors)
《帕金森病 — 非运动和非多巴胺能症状》
Parkinson's Disease: Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features

C. W. Olanow, F. Stocchi, Anthony E. Lang (Editors)
《智力障碍精神病学 — 临床手册》
Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability: A Practical Manual

Julie P. Gentile, Paulette Marie Gillig (Editors)


Clinical Orthoptics, 3rd Edition

Fiona J. Rowe


Clinical Cases in Periodontics

Nadeem Karimbux
Practical Osseous Surgery in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry

Serge Dibart, Jean-Pierre Dibart (Editors)
Traumatic Dental Injuries: A Manual, 3rd Edition

J. O. Andreasen (Editor)


Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics

Loralie J. Langman, Amitava Dasgupta (Editors)