中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》- 2012年第1期

基础医学 |  内科学 |  肿瘤学 |  神经病学 |  口腔科学(牙科学) |  特种医学 |  药学


The Philosophy of Evidence-Based Medicine

Jeremy H. Howick
Molecular Techniques for the Study of Hospital-Acquired Infection

Steven L. Foley 等编著
Building Brains: An Introduction to Neural Development

David J. Price 等编著
Nutrition in Epigenetics

Mihai D. Niculescu、Paul Haggarty 编著
《胎盘 — 从发育到疾病》
The Placenta: From Development to Disease

Helen H. Kay、D. Michael Nelson 和 Yuping Wang 编著


《临床经验与循证医学的完美结合 (第二版)》
Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges, 2nd Edition

Peter Irving 等编著

Diabetic Emergencies: Diagnosis and Clinical Management

Nicholas Katsilambros 等编著
《住院患者的血糖控制 — 综合临床指南》
Inpatient Anticoagulation

Margaret C. Fang 著
New Mechanisms in Glucose Control

Anthony. H. Barnett、Jenny Grice 编著
《肝胆病学的经典名著 (第12版)》
Sherlock’s Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System, 12th Edition

James Dooley 等编著
The Metabolic Syndrome, 2nd Edition

Christopher D. Byrne、Sarah H. Wild 编著


Advances in Malignant Hematology

Hussain I. Saba 和 Ghulam Mufti 编著
《癌表观遗传学 — 人类癌的生物分子治疗》
Cancer Epigenetics: Biomolecular Therapeutics for Human Cancer

Antonio Giordano、Marcella Macaluso 编著
Gynecologic Oncology: Evidence-Based Perioperative and Supportive Care, 2nd Edition

Steven A Vasilev、Scott E. Lentz 和 Allison E. Axtell 编著
Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach

Jerzy Klijanienko 和 Real Lagace 编著
The Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases, 2nd Edition

Kevin Gatter 等编著


Adult Epilepsy

Gregory Cascino 和 Joseph Sirven 编著
Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment, 2nd Edition

Andrei V. Alexandrov 编著

Comorbidity in Migraine

Jean Schoenen、David W. Dodick 和 Peter Sándor 编著
From DNA to Social Cognition

Richard P. Ebstein、Simone Shamay-Tsoory 和 Soo Hong Chew 编著
《精神分裂症 — 当代科学与临床实践》
Schizophrenia: Current Science and Clinical Practice

Wolfgang Gaebel 编著
Textbook of Psychiatric Epidemiology, 3rd Edition

Ming T. Tsuang、Mauricio Tohen 和 Peter Jones 编著


《Pitt Ford问题导向式牙体牙髓病学》
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology

Shanon Patel 和 Henry F. Duncan 编著


Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Susan Lanham-New 等编著


《基础药代动力学和药效学 — 整合式教科书与计算机模拟》
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulations

Sara E. Rosenbaum