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Integrated Business Communication: In a Global Marketplace

ISBN: 978-0-470-02767-7
448 pages
April 2007, ©2007
List Price: US $97.95
Government Price: US $65.88
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About the Authors xiii

Preface xv

Acknowledgements xvii

Introduction xix

PART 1 Communication in Daily Life 1

Chapter 1 The Building Blocks of Communication 3

Executive Summary 3

Introduction to Integrated Communication 4

Silo mentality 5

Why Does Integrated Business Communication Work? 6

What Is Communication? 7

The Development of Theory 9

The boom years 9

Communication education today 10

Forms of Communication 11

Intrapersonal communication 11

Interpersonal communication 12

Mediated communication 12

Business communication 14

Integrated business communication 14

Understanding What This Means to You 15

Shaping the Communication Process 17

Chapter 2 The Complex World of the Sender 27

Executive Summary 27

Introduction to the World of the Sender 28

Understanding Verbal Language 29

Word choice 29

What is paralanguage? Should I care about it? 30

Non-verbal Communication is Complex and Ever Changing 34

Body language 35

Persuasion as a Communication Tool 36

Using persuasive tactics to reach your audience 38

Language in the Global Setting 39

Words both denote and connote information 39

Using concrete words 41

Using abstract words 41

Barriers to direct and ethical language 43

Chapter 3 Knowing the Receivers of Your Messages 51

Executive Summary 51

Introduction to Understanding Receivers 52

Looking at a Global Audience 53

Globalization and localization 53

Diversity and individualism in the workplace 54

Knowing Your Audience 56

Defining stakeholders 57

Qualitative research 61

Quantitative research 63

Reaching Your Audience 63

Abraham Maslow and the hierarchy of needs 64

Profiling and narrowcasting 65

Cultural Influences Affect Receivers of Messages 69

Types of Audience 71

Interested/disinterested 72

Voluntary/captive 72

Eager/resistant 72

Chapter 4 Breaking Through the Noise 81

Executive Summary 81

Introduction to Message Perception 82

What is Noise? 83

External noise 84

Internal noise 85

Semantic noise 85

Filtering Out Unwanted Noise 86

Cognitive dissonance 87

Selective filters 87

Information overload 90

Multitasking as noise 90

Hearing Versus Listening 92

The complex listening process 93

Types of listener 95

Chapter 5 Communication Channels 103

Executive Summary 103

Introduction to Message Delivery 104

Spoken Language 105

Written Language 105

Printed Language 106

Electronic Language 107

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral and Written Channels 108

Oral communication 109

Written communication 109

Choosing a Channel 111

The Mechanics of Effective Messaging 112

Outlining 112

Organizational patterns for outlines 113

Formal Written Communication Formats 115

Formal business letters 115

Office memoranda 118

Oral Communication Guidelines 118

Art/science dichotomy 119

Speech delivery formats 123

Effective presentations 125

Electronic Communication 128

Technology and communication 128

PART 2 Towards Integrated Business Communication 137

Chapter 6 Business Communication, Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communication 139

Executive Summary 139

Introduction to the Practice of Persuasive Communication 140

Early History 141

Revolution and persuasion 142

Industrial Revolution 142

Twentieth Century 144

Mergers and acquisitions 144

What’s in a name? 145

Models of public relations management 145

The Public Relations Industry Today 147

Significant Publics 149

External publics 149

Internal publics 150

Why Integrated Communication? 151

Impact of globalization 153

Influence of integrated marketing communication (MARCOM) 154

Characteristics of integrated business communication 155

Strategic planning 156

Meeting Public Expectations 157

Chapter 7 External Communication: Messaging to Your Publics 165

Executive Summary 165

Introduction to Recognizing Publics 166

Stakeholders – primary publics 166

Secondary publics 170

Forms of Corporate Messaging 170

Vision statements 171

Mission statements 172

Marketing and public relations 173

Advertising 176

Promotions 177

Communicating with special publics 179

Protecting a brand 184

Chapter 8 Internal Communications: Messaging Within Your Company 191

Executive Summary 191

Introduction to Sending Messages Within the Company 192

Organizational Communication 193

Internal Verbal Communication 195

Face-to-face communication 196

Telephone and voice mail 197

Meetings 198

Videoconferencing 201

Special events for employees 201

Written Internal Communication 204

Memos 204

Traditional memo 205

High-impact memo 205

Email memo 206

Newsletters 206

Blogs 208

Supplemental internal publications 209

Protecting Your Company Image from Within 210

Chapter 9 The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace 219

Executive Summary 219

Introduction to Effective Workplace Communication 220

The Changing Workplace 221

Diversity in the workplace 221

Increased use of technology 224

Communicating to Employees 225

Two ways to reach employees 226

Two-way Open Communication 226

Employee and management empowerment 228

Sharing knowledge 229

Encouraging innovation 230

Effective Communication as a Function of Management 232

Listening 232

Recruitment 233

Training 233

Communication Challenges 235

Strategic Planning 236

Planning for the future 237

Goals, objectives and tactics 238

Chapter 10 Issues of Organizational Leadership 247

Executive Summary 247

Introduction to the Role of Communication in Management and Leadership 248

Institutional Cultures in International Business 249

Reading institutional culture 251

Leadership or Management? 251

Leadership Theory 252

Trait approach 252

Situational approach 253

Style approach 255

Transformational and transactional approaches 257

Challenges in Leadership Communication 258

Leaders Emerge when Ethical and Legal Issues Arise 258

Definition of ethics 259

Cross-cultural issues 260

Legal issues 261

PART 3 Integrated Business Communication 271

Chapter 11 Global Communication Expands 273

Executive Summary 273

Introduction to Global Communication as Everyday

Communication 274

The World Is Indeed Flat 275

Overriding stereotypes 276

Think Globally, Act Locally 278

Changing Markets 279

Traditional markets 280

Emerging markets 280

Communication Technology in the Global Marketplace 281

Websites 282

Social media 283

Communicasting 284

Datacasting 286

Applied Global Communication 287

Chapter 12 Communication in the New Management World 295

Executive Summary 295

Introduction to Communication Challenges 296

Strategic Communication Management 297

Visibility of the executive 297

The executive as team builder 299

The executive as mediator 301

The executive as negotiator 302

The executive as educator 303

The executive as facilitator of creativity and innovation 303

Accountability and Decision-making 304

Leading the Way for Effective Communication for the Future 306

Measuring communication effectiveness 306

Reading, researching, learning 307

Sound decision-making 308

Improving Two-way Communication 312

Chapter 13 Emerging Issues Affecting Communication Strategy 319

Executive Summary 319

Introduction to New Approaches to Communication Strategy 320

Bridging the Communication Gap between Executives and Employees 321

Bridging the Communication Gap between Employees and Customers 322

Issues Management Strategy 323

Internal issues management 326

Crisis management and risk assessment 328

Steps in crisis communication planning 330

Public affairs takes new directions 331

Trendwatching: What’s on the Horizon? 332

Reactive responses to trends 333

Proactive trendwatching 336

Chapter 14 New Focus on Responsible Communication 347

Executive Summary 347

Introduction to New Communication Directions 348

Integrated Marketing Communication 349

Steps in integrated marketing communication planning 350

Developing and Implementing Communication Strategies 350

Choosing communication channels 350

The business of branding 352

Specialized marketing techniques 353

Integrated Business Communication 356

The foundations of integrated business communication (IBC) 356

The integrated business communication model 356

Making IBC work 358

Issues in IBC Planning 360

The corporate social responsibility movement 360

Customer communication management 362

Employee communication management 365

Laying the foundation 366

Chapter 15 Looking Ahead 373

Executive Summary 373

Introduction to Communicating in the Future 374

Organizational and Technological Changes 376

Organizational changes 377

Technological changes 382

New Communication Challenges Emerge 382

Ethical uncertainties 383

Security issues 385

Creativity Rules the New Global Marketplace 386

Training Communicators for the New Global Marketplace 386

Educational training 386

Futurists See the World from a Different Perspective 387

Glossary 395

Index 413

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