中国医学科学院《国外医学新书评介(Wiley)》 - 2013年第3期
生物科学 |
卫生学 |
基础医学 |
临床医学 |
内科学 |
外科学 |
妇产科学 |
儿科学 |
肿瘤学 |
神经病学与精神病学 |
皮肤病学 |
口腔科学 |
生物科学 |
《微技术、纳米技术与干细胞和组织工程》 Micro and nanotechnologies in engineering stems cells and tissues Ramalingam, Murugan. (Editor) |
卫生学 |
《医疗机构实用消毒技术指南》 A practical guide to decontamination in healthcare McDonnell, Gerald E., Sheard, Denise. |
《传染病监控(第二版)》 Infectious disease surveillance, 2nd Ed. M’ikanatha, Nkuchia M. (Editor) |
基础医学 |
《神经胶质细胞的生理学和病理生理学》 Glial Physiology and Pathophysiology Verkhratsky, A. N., Butt, Arthur. |
《Morson and Dawson’s 胃肠病理学(第五版)》 Morson and Dawson’s Gastrointestinal Pathology Morson, Basil C., Shepherd, Neil A. (Editor) |
《人体菌群:菌群如何影响健康和疾病》 The Human Microbiota: How Microbial Communities Affect Health and Disease Fredricks, David N. (Editor) |
临床医学 |
《血液管理基础(第二版)》 Basics of Blood Management, 2nd Edition Seeber, Petra., Shander, Aryeh. |
《临床营养(第二版)》 Clinical Nutrition, 2nd Edition Elia, Marinos. (Editor) |
《卒中及神经系统血管疾病的循证护理学》 Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions Alexander, Sheila A. (Editor) |
内科学 |
《经自然孔道内镜手术学》 Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery: Textbook and Video Atlas Kalloo, Anthony, Marescaux, J., Zorron, Ricardo. (Editors) |
《Schiff’s 肝脏病学(第11版)》 Schiff's Diseases of the Liver, 11th Edition Schiff, Eugene R., Maddrey, Willis C., Sorrell, Michael F., Schiff, Leon (Editors) |
外科学 |
《胎儿及新生儿获得性脑损伤》 Acquired Brain Injury in the Fetus and Newborn Shevell, Michael, Miller, Steven P. (Editors) |
《颅脑创伤》 Neurotrauma: Managing Patients with Head Injury Abelson-Mitchell, Nadine (Editor) |
妇产科学 |
《实用儿童与青少年妇科学》 Practical Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Hillard, Paula Adams. (Editor) |
儿科学 |
《基础新生儿学(第五版)》 Essential Neonatal Medicine, Includes Desktop Edition, 5th Edition Sinha, Sunil K., Miall, Lawrence., Jardine, Luke., Levene, Malcolm I. |
肿瘤学 |
《儿童肿瘤循证医学(第三版)》 Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology, 3rd Edition Pinkerton, C. R., Shankar, A. G. (Editors) |
《垂体疾病:诊断和治疗》 Pituitary Disorders: Diagnosis and Management Laws, Edward R. (Editor) |
神经病学与精神病学 |
《神经重症监护中的急症治疗》 Emergency Management in Neurocritical Care Manno, Edward M. (Editor) |
《成人智力残疾的心理疗法》 Psychological Therapies for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Taylor, John L., Lindsay, William R., Hastings, Richard P., Hatton, Chris (Editors) |
皮肤病学 |
《种族皮肤病学:原则与实践》 Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice Dadzie, Ophelia E., Petit, Antoine., Alexis, Andrew F. (Editors) |
《输入性皮肤疾病(第二版)》 Imported Skin Diseases, 2nd Edition Faber, William Richard, Hay, R. J., Naafs, B. (Editors) |
口腔科学 |
《牙髓放射学(第二版)》 Endodontic Radiology, 2nd Edition Basrani, Bettina. (Editor) |
《天然牙和种植牙软组织的美学处理》 Esthetic Soft Tissue Management of Teeth and Implants Saadoun, Andre P. |
药学 |
《抗菌药物治疗综述:细菌细胞壁作为抗生素靶点》 Antimicrobial Therapeutics Reviews: The Bacterial Cell Wall as an Antibiotic Target Bush, Karen (Editor) |