
最常被问到的研究问题包括:(1)对于中国的经济增长而言,贸易与投资的重要性如何?(2) 中国是否低估了其货币,从而获得相对于其竞争对手的不公平比较优势?(3)相比于其他相似的发展中国家,为什么中国在过去三十年会获得如此巨大的成功?(4)鉴于中国作为世界经济超级大国的迅速重新崛起,西方世界所面临的以及将要面临的主要挑战是什么?(5)如果中国继续以惊人的速度发展其工业生产,将会造成怎样的环境影响?
Renminbising China’s foreign assets
Yin-Wong Cheung, Guonan Ma and Robert N. McCauley
Measuring the gains from trade under monopolistic competition
Robert C. Feenstra
The theory of interstellar trade
Paul Krugman
Firm heterogeneity and the labour market effects of trade liberalization
Hartmut Egger and Udo Kreickemeier
Endogenous Financial and Trade Openness
Joshua Aizenman and Ilan Noy
The Rise of China and East Asian Export Performance: Is the Crowding-Out Fear Warranted?
Prema-chandra Athukorala
China's Exchange Rate Policy, Its Current Account Surplus and the Global Imbalances
W. Max Corden
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on China: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications
Ligang Liu
Resource abundance and regional development in China
Xiaobo Zhang, Li Xing, Shenggen Fan and Xiaopeng Luo
Recent regional agreements: Why so many, why so much variance in form, why coming so fast, and where are they headed?
John Whalley
Ownership reform, foreign competition and efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks: A non-parametric approach
Shujie Yao, Zhongwei Han and Genfu Feng
Why is China so competitive? Measuring and explaining China's competitiveness
F. Gerard Adams, Byron Gangnes and Yochanan Shachmurove
Competition in two-sided markets
Mark Armstrong
Endogenous Pollution Havens: Does FDI Influence Environmental Regulations?
Matthew A. Cole, Robert J. R. Elliott and Per G. Fredriksson
Distance, trade and FDI: A Hausman–Taylor SUR approach
Peter Egger and Michael Pfaffermayr
The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity
Marc J. Melitz
The World Economy on China – A resource for researchers in China and for those who research China
Collected articles from The World Economy