
Lee_9780471692720_small 《统计生物信息学》
Statistical Bioinformatics: For Biomedical and Life Science Researchers

Jae K.Lee 著
Clark_9780470372999_small 《数学生物经济学:资源保护的数学(第三版)》
Mathematical Bioeconomics: The Mathematics of Conservation, 3rd Edition

Colin W. Clark 著
Ambaum_9780470745151_small 《大气热物理》
Thermal Physics of the Atmosphere

Maarten H.P. Ambaum 著
Wang_9783527409419_small 《暗能量》
Dark Energy

Mandel_9780471496830_small 《量子场论(第二版)》
Quantum Field Theory, 2nd Edition

Franz Mandel 等著
Heinzel_9783527409327_small 《固体纳米结构介观电子学(第三版)》
Mesoscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructures, 3rd Edition

Thomas Heinzel 著
Smirnov_9783527409433_small 《气体和等离子体中的成簇过程》
Cluster Processes in Gases and Plasmas

B. M. 斯米尔诺夫
Sterner_9783527325825_small 《化学、健康和环境(第二版)》
Chemistry, Health and Environment, 2nd Edition

O. 斯特纳著
Pignataro_9783527325412_small 《化学和分子科学中的思想:生命过程中的化学》
Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences: Where Chemistry Meets Life

Bruno Pignataro 编
Carroll_9780470625934_small 《酸气回注与二氧化碳封存》
Acid Gas Injection and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

John J. Carroll 编
Hirscher_9783527322732_small 《氢存储手册:用于未来能源存储的新材料》
Handbook of Hydrogen Storage: New Materials for Future Energy Storage

Michael Hirscher 著
Huang_9780470824856_small 《稀土配位化学:基础与应用》
Rare Earth Coordination Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications

Rurack_9780470376218_small 《有机-无机杂化材料的超分子化学》
The Supramolecular Chemistry of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials

Kunt Rurack 等著
Tressaud_9780470740507_small 《功能性无机氟化物:纳米结构固体的合成、表征与特性》
Functionalized Inorganic Fluorides: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanostructured Solids

Tressaud 著
Clarke_9783527408955_small 《星体偏振测定法》
Stellar Polarimetry

David Clarke 著
Islam_9780470625811_small 《高等油藏模拟》
Advanced Petroleum Reservoir Simulation

M.R. Islam 等著
Kawai_9783527325443_small 《工业等离子体技术:从环境到能源技术的应用》
Industrial Plasma Technology: Applications from Environmental to Energy Technologies

Kawai 等著
Ganoulis_9783527321735_small 《水污染风险分析(第二版)》
Risk Analysis of Water Pollution, 2nd Edition

Jacques Ganoulis 著
Feig_9783527324217_small 《溶剂环境建模:在生物分子模拟中的应用》
Modeling Solvent Environments: Applications to Simulations of Biomolecules

Michael Feig 著
Hooda_9781405160377_small 《土壤微量元素》
Trace Elements in Soils

Peter S. Hooda 著
Donald_9781444319378_small 《放射性、有毒有害废物在玻璃和陶瓷基材料上的固化》
Waste Immobilization in Glass and Ceramic Based Hosts: Radioactive, Toxic and Hazardous Wastes

Ian W. Donald 著
Anolles_9780470195147_small 《进化基因组学与系统生物学》
Evolutionary Genomics and Systems Biology

Caetano.Anollés 著
Durr_9781405169264_small 《生物结垢过程》

Simone Durr 等编著
Chao_9780470044919_small 《临床前研发候选药物的评价:药代动力学、代谢、药剂学和毒物学》
Evaluation of Drug Candidates for Preclinical Development: Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Pharmaceutics, and Toxicology

Chao Han 等著
Sansonetti_9783527323265_small 《细菌毒性:基本原理、模型和整体方法》
Bacterial Virulence: Basic Principles, Models and Global Approaches

Sansonetti(萨森奈迪) 主编
Dale_9780470741856_small 《细菌分子遗传学(第五版)》
Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, 5th Edition

Dale(戴尔) 等编著
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Epigenetics and Human Health

Alexander G. Haslberger 编著
Hirt_9783527322909_small 《植物逆境生物学:从基因组到系统生物学》
Plant Stress Biology: From Genomics to Systems Biology

Heribert Hirt 编著
Cherrie_9781405159623_small 《职业健康危害的监测(第四版)》
Monitoring for Health Hazards at Work, 4th Edition

John Cherrie 等著
Bushell_9781573316774_small 《长寿、再生与最佳健康》
Longevity, Regeneration, and Optimal Health

Lumley_9780470284308_small 《复杂调研:利用R语言分析的指南》
Complex Surveys: A Guide to Analysis Using R

Thomas Lumley 著