
Awards and Scholarships

Wiley has developed a strong reputation for publishing and disseminating information on significant advancements in science, technology, medicine, and academic fields, contributed by a vast community of scholars worldwide.

By establishing and/or supporting numerous awards and scholarships, Wiley acknowledges the contributions of prominent researchers, scientists, scholars, and professionals to our success. We also hope to recognize and foster ongoing excellence in scientific achievement and discovery.

The Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences

The Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences recognizes breakthrough research in pure or applied life science research that is distinguished by its excellence, originality, and impact on our understanding of biological systems and processes. The award may recognize a specific contribution or series of contributions that demonstrate the nominee’s significant leadership in the development of research concepts or their clinical application. Particular emphasis will be placed on research that champions novel approaches and challenges accepted thinking in the biomedical sciences.

The Wiley Foundation was established as the endowing body to support The Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences.

Congratulations to Dr. Lily Jan and Dr. Yuh Nung Jan of Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University California, San Francisco, the recipients of the tenth annual Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences (awarded in January 2011). Both are also Jack and DeLoris Lange Professors at the University of California, San Francisco.

The Wiley Prize in Psychology

The Wiley Prize in Psychology was awarded for the first time in 2009 by Wiley and the British Academy to recognize excellence in research in psychology (for both promising early career work and lifetime achievement). It is awarded annually, alternating between an established psychologist (anywhere in the world) for distinguished achievement in research in psychology over his or her career and a UK-based psychologist whose early career (i.e. within 5 years of receipt of doctorate) shows outstanding promise.

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Tomasello, the 2011 recipient of The Wiley Prize in Psychology. Dr. Tomasello is an American developmental psychologist who is recognized for his work identifying the unique cognitive and cultural processes that distinguish humans from their nearest primate relatives, the great apes.

The Young Chemist Award

The Young Chemist Award honors outstanding researchers in order to recognize and promote the development of young talent in the field of chemistry. Wiley sponsors this award in conjunction with the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), one of the founding partners of Chemistry — An Asian Journal, published by Wiley. This award also serves to foster research excellence in chemistry publishing and acknowledges the contributions of the Chinese chemistry community to Wiley's continued success in China.

The University College London Wiley Scholarship

The University College London Wiley Scholarship was established by Wiley and the University College London in 2008. The award is granted to an outstanding student for the MA in Publishing program at the UCL Centre for Publishing. The recipient is awarded full tuition fees for the one-year course and an internship at Wiley in the UK.

At a time when our industry is changing rapidly, we see this as another way for Wiley to invest in the development of talent that will help shape the course of publishing in the years ahead.

The Wiley Professional Development Grant—First Step Award

The Wiley Professional Development Grant—First Step Award enables a promising new serials librarian to attend his/her first ALA annual conference each year.

APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE Prize)

The APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE Prize) is sponsored jointly by Wiley and Elsevier and will be awarded for the first time in September 2011.

The prize will recognize young scientists who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in scientific research, as evidenced by scholarly publication, and cooperation with scientists from other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies.