
Corporate Giving

 "For years Wiley has matched, with a monetary donation, the time I've spent working on the school supply project I coordinate with my neighborhood association, Newkirk Area Neighborhood Association (NANA), the Jubilee Center in Hoboken, and the Hoboken Board of Education. In addition, the Company has matched every dollar donated by Wiley colleagues and provided 1,000 copies of Webster's New World Children's Dictionary to the project."
- Mavis Theodore, License Administrator, Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken

Wiley’s corporate philanthropy program helps improve the quality of life for those living in our local and global communities. In recent years, Wiley has supported many institutions and organizations, whose programs foster learning, expand cultural and educational opportunities, improve health resources, support social services, protect the environment, and provide disaster relief. The list at the bottom of this page represents a sampling of recipient organizations.

Supporting Colleagues

Wiley colleagues give generously to global and community organizations, organize events and donations, and participate in fundraising initiatives. And for more than 50 years, Wiley has recognized the contributions of U.S. colleagues via the company’s Matching Gift program. (Up to a certain amount, Wiley will match monetary donations to eligible non-profit cultural, educational, social service, and environmental organizations.)

Similarly, through the ServiceMatch program, Wiley recognizes colleagues’ volunteer hours with a corresponding monetary donation to eligible organizations.

Disaster Relief

Through corporate contributions and the generous Matching Gift program, Wiley and colleagues contribute financially to assist communities around the world in the wake of crises.

For example, after the 2010 Haitian earthquake, colleagues donated more than $82,000 to non-profit organizations in support of relief efforts. Wiley responded with a donation of equal amount to non-profit organizations aiding in relief efforts. Later that year, when Pakistan suffered from devastating floods, Wiley acknowledged colleague contributions of $16,500 with a matching donation. Similarly, colleagues rallied in response to Japan’s 2011 earthquake and tsunami, contributing $38,257 to organizations around the world. Wiley once again sent a matching amount.

In early 2011, colleagues and teams joined together globally to raise funds and offer support in the aftermath of severe flooding in Australia. When many colleagues worldwide expressed a desire to direct their support toward Brisbane colleagues who were directly affected, Wiley went one step further: it accepted voluntary, targeted contributions from colleagues, which it also matched. Colleagues around the world contributed nearly A$22,500.

Whitney Museum of Art…WNET/Thirteen…Liberty Science Center…Museum of Modern Art… The Frick Collection… Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco… Public Television…Indianapolis Museum of Art…Indianapolis Zoo…The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis… The National Book Foundation…Special Libraries Association…Library of Congress Center for the Book…Poets & Writers… American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression…Association of College & Research Libraries…The New York Public Library…Cleveland Public Library…Friends of the Hoboken Public Library…Friends of the San Francisco Public Library…Indianapolis Marion County Library Foundation…Malden Public Library…Stadtbibliothek Weinheim…Ames Chamber of Commerce…United Way of Story County…United Way of Somerset County…Chichester Business Education Partnership…Partnership for Economic Prosperity (Chichester)…U.K. Chichester Cathedral Restoration & Development Trust…The University College of London Wiley Scholarship…City College of New York Publishing Certificate Program…NY Academy of Sciences…The Rockefeller University…Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels

Please note: Wiley does not consider unsolicited grant requests from individuals, organizations, or institutions, but rather, makes contributions to non-profit organizations that have meaning in the lives of Wiley colleagues. Organizations must meet certain eligibility requirements to be considered.