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How to catch the Big Idea: The Strategies of the Top-Creatives

ISBN: 978-3-89578-238-1
294 pages
January 2005
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $31.96
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How to catch the Big Idea: The Strategies of the Top-Creatives (3895782386) cover image

Ralf Langwost holds a degree in communication science and is an innovation coach. After studying at the University of the Arts in Berlin, he worked for several advertising agencies, including Ogilvy & Mather, Ted Bates and Wunderman/Young & Rubicam, Frankfurt, ending up as creative director for such renowned international brands as American Express, Pirelli, Swissair and Novell.
With his founding of IdeaManagement, Langwost established an internationally successful coaching concept, that is the first to allow the training of top creative performance within a deliberately managed value-added process.
By applying the latest results from creativity research to creation and communication, he shows in his workshops how to catch the "Big Idea" more easily and more quickly.
These days Ralf Langwost advises managers and other employees of companies and agencies in Germany and abroad in adapting and optimizing their creative resources. His clients are mainly innovation-oriented enterprises, advertising agencies, product development teams, pioneering television stations or international brand names.
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