Business the Way: Secrets of the Worlds Most Astonishing Web BusinessISBN: 978-1-84112-155-0
232 pages
October 2001, Capstone
Introduction: The Sam Walton of the Web
One: Live and Breathe E-Commerce
Two: Hire and Keep Employees Happy
Three: Focus
Four: Brand the Site
Five: Get and Keep Customers by Offering Great Value
Six: Develop Unbeatable Logistics
Seven: Stay Lean
Eight: Practice Technoleverage
Nine: Innovation and Enlightened Adaptation
Ten: Grow With the Best
Eleven: Where Do We Go From Here?
One: Live and Breathe E-Commerce
Two: Hire and Keep Employees Happy
Three: Focus
Four: Brand the Site
Five: Get and Keep Customers by Offering Great Value
Six: Develop Unbeatable Logistics
Seven: Stay Lean
Eight: Practice Technoleverage
Nine: Innovation and Enlightened Adaptation
Ten: Grow With the Best
Eleven: Where Do We Go From Here?