Practical Public Health NutritionISBN: 978-1-4051-8360-4
306 pages
January 2011, Wiley-Blackwell
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Preface ix
Acknowledgements x
Glossary xi
Part 1 Introduction and context 1
1 The big picture: The context for a textbook on public health nutrition practice 3
Why develop a public health nutrition textbook? 3
Malnutrition is still the main game 3
Innovative solutions are needed 4
Surely you don’t mean these challenges can be found in rich countries like mine? 4
Level of influence 5
Practice informed by a public health approach 5
First, work to understand the causes, by looking upstream 5
Practitioners and politics 6
The philosophy underpinning this book 6
Building capacity for effective public health nutrition action 7
2 Defining public health nutrition as a field of practice 9
Introduction 9
Modes of nutrition practice 10
Definitions of public health nutrition 12
An emphasis on the prevention of food and nutrition problems 12
The core functions of the PHN workforce 15
Competencies for PHN practice 17
Professionalism and PHN practice 18
3 A framework for public health nutrition practice 21
Introduction 21
A socio-ecological approach to practice 21
The PHN practice cycle 22
Recognising the importance of capacity building as a discrete strategy and as an approach to practice 23
Why make things more complicated and introduce a new framework? 25
A bi-cyclic framework for public health nutrition practice 28
Part 2 Intelligence 29
4 Step 1: Community engagement and analysis 31
Introduction 33
What is a community? 33
Why Community engagement? 33
Community development constructs 34
Community development – a process or an outcome? 36
Building community capital (and capacity) 37
Building capacity via ‘bottom-up’ practice 38
Community analysis 40
5 Step 2: Problem analysis 43
Introduction 45
Public health intelligence 45
What is Problem analysis? 46
Types of need 47
Conducting a Problem analysis 47
Different methodological approaches to gather intelligence for problem assessment 51
Applying the intelligence and analysis results 53
6 Step 3: Stakeholder analysis and engagement 57
Introduction 59
Why stakeholder engagement? 59
Stakeholder analysis 60
Considerations for Stakeholder analysis 60
Conducting the Stakeholder analysis 61
Organising and presenting Stakeholder analysis data 63
Stakeholder engagement 67
Engaging stakeholders in decision-making 67
7 Step 4: Determinant analysis 71
Introduction 73
Analysing determinants 73
Characterising determinants by their effect 74
Characterising determinants by the type of causal link 75
Characterising determinants by level 76
Determinant interaction and causal pathways 77
Diagrammatic illustration of determinant analysis 79
8 Step 5: Capacity analysis 81
Introduction 83
What is capacity? 83
A framework for capacity building practice 84
Capacity assessment for capacity building 84
Challenges in measuring capacity 86
Selecting tools for Capacity analysis 86
Tools and strategies for analysing capacity 89
Presenting Capacity analysis data 96
9 Step 6: Mandates for public health nutrition action 99
Introduction 101
Mandates for action – the policy context 101
Policy development – an overview 102
The challenge of competing policy agendas 103
National food and nutrition policies 104
Mandates for action – direct relevance to PHN practice 104
10 Step 7: Intervention research and strategy options 107
Introduction 109
Strategic frameworks for health promotion 109
Determinants as leverage points for intervention 113
Levels of intervention 113
Settings as a focus for intervention 113
Target groups as a focus for intervention 115
Intervention research: learning from earlier work 116
Abstracting intelligence from intervention research 117
11 Step 8: Risk assessment and strategy prioritisation 121
Introduction 123
Assessing risks and benefits 123
Types of risks and benefits 125
Strategy prioritisation 125
Challenges and dilemmas in strategy prioritisation 126
Methods for strategy prioritisation 127
Part 3 Action 137
12 Step 9: Writing Action statements 139
Introduction 141
Intervention planning 141
Action statements 142
Linking problem and determinant analysis to Action statements 142
Writing intervention goals 144
Writing intervention objectives 145
13 Step 10: Logic modelling 151
Introduction 153
What is a logic model? 153
Types of logic model 154
Logic model elements 155
Logic modelling in PHN practice 156
Developing a logic model 157
Key questions for reviewing logic models 157
14 Step 11: Implementation and evaluation planning 161
Introduction 163
Engaging stakeholders in intervention and evaluation planning 163
Planning for intervention implementation 164
Developing work package plans 166
Work scheduling – developing a Gantt chart 168
Developing intervention budgets 169
Evaluation planning 172
Levels of evaluation 173
Developing evaluation indicators and plans 175
15 Step 12: Managing implementation 179
Introduction 181
Types of PHN intervention implementation 181
Governance 182
Managing risk 185
Partnership satisfaction 186
Evaluability assessment 188
Part 4 Evaluation 191
16 Step 13: Process evaluation 193
Introduction 195
Evaluation – a brief overview 195
Linking evaluation to planning 196
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluation 196
Levels of evaluation 197
Process evaluation 197
Elements of process evaluation 198
Methods for conducting process evaluation 202
Process evaluation indicators 202
Process evaluation in practice – some published examples 206
17 Step 14: Impact and outcome evaluation 207
Introduction 209
Impact and outcome evaluation – what is the difference? 209
When to evaluate? 210
Key measures of Impact and outcome evaluation 211
Reliability and validity in evaluation 214
Sampling and data analysis 215
Evaluation design 218
18 Step 15: Evaluating capacity gains 221
Introduction 223
Challenges in measuring capacity 223
Pre- and post-intervention comparisons 226
Strategies to enhance the trustworthiness of capacity evaluation 227
Visual presentations of capacity evaluations 228
19 Step 16: Economic evaluation 231
Introduction 233
Costs and consequences in health care 233
Characteristics of Economic evaluation 233
Types of Economic evaluation 234
Conducting an Economic evaluation 237
Efficiency vs. equity 237
20 Step 17: Reflective practice and valorisation 243
Introduction 245
What is Reflective practice? 245
Transformatory learning and Reflective practice 245
Improving practice through reflection 245
Stages of Reflective practice 246
Methods of Reflective practice 246
Tools for Reflective practice 248
What is valorisation? 249
Targets of valorisation 250
Methods of valorisation 250
Presenting intervention results 253
Appendices 257
1 Intervention plan template 259
2 Capacity building analysis tool 267
References 277
Index 284