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Visigothic Spain 409 - 711

ISBN: 978-1-4051-4966-2
272 pages
July 2006, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $66.50
Government Price: US $45.40
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover

List of Maps.

Introduction: Visigothic Spain in the Twenty-First Century.

Part I: A Political History:.

1. From Empire to Kingdom, 409-507:.

A Turning Point.

The Visigoths.

The Gothic Conquests of Hispania, 456-507.

2. The Imposition of Unity, 507-586:.

A Fractured Kingdom.

The Reign of Leovigild, 569-586.

3. The Catholic Kingdom, 586-672:.

Conversion and Reaction, 586-590.

Changing Dynasties, 590-642.

Kings and the Political Elite, 642-672.

4. Visigothic Twilight, 672-710:.

Court Conspiracies, 672-681.

The Uneasy Throne, 681-710.

5. The End of the Kingdom:.

The Coming of the Arabs.

The Last Kings, 710-713.

Part II: Society and Culture:.

6. Books and Readers:.

The Legacy of Africa.

The Golden Age.

7. Archaeology: Cemeteries and Churches:.

Goths in the Ground.

A Visigothic Architecture?.

8. Archaeology: Rural and Urban Settlements:.

Country Dwellers.

Towns in Transition.

9. Law and Ethnic Identity:.

The Fog of the Law.

Gothia and Hispania.

Bibliographical Essay.


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