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Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10

ISBN: 978-0-8138-1273-1
804 pages
July 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $319.25
Government Price: US $220.76
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Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10 (0813812739) cover image

Preface xiii

Editorial Note xv

Acknowledgments xvii

Contributors xix

Part 1 Invited Speakers and Oral Presentations 3

Session 1: Water Mobility/Dynamics and Its Application in Food and Pharmaceutical Systems 5

Invited Speakers

1. Complementary Aspects of Thermodynamics, Nonequilibrium Criteria, and Water Dynamics in the Development of Foods and Ingredients 9
M. P. Buera

2. Water Mobility in Solid Pharmaceuticals as Determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Isothermal Sorption, and Dielectric Relaxation Measurements 25
S. Yoshioka and Y. Aso

Oral Presentations

3. The Effect of Water and Fat Contents on the Enthalpy of Dissolution of Model Food Powders: A Thermodynamic Insight 41
A. Marabi, A. Raemy, A. Burbidge, R. Wallach, and I. S. Saguy

4. “Solvent Water” Concept Simplifies Mathematical Modeling in Fermenting Dough, a Multiphase Semisolid Food 49
S. M. Loveday and R. J. Winger

5. Microdomain Distribution in Food Matrices: Glass Transition Temperature, Water Mobility, and Reaction Kinetics Evidence in Model Dough Systems 59
Y. Kou

Session 2: Water Essence and the Stability of Food and Biological Systems 67

Invited Speakers

6. Effect of Combined Physical Stresses on Cells: The Role of Water 71
J.-M. Perrier-Cornet, M. Moussa, H. Simonin, L. Beney, and P. Gervais

7. Soft Condensed Matter: A Perspective on the Physics of Food States and Stability 87
T. P. Labuza, T. J. Labuza, K. M. Labuza, and P. S. Labuza

8. Antiplasticization of Food Polymer Systems by Low Molecular Mass Diluents 115
C. C. Seow

Oral Presentations

9. Freeze Drying of Lactobacillus coryniformis Si3: Focus on Water 141
Å. Schoug, J. Schnürer, and S. Håkansson

10. Water-Sorption Properties and Stability of Inclusion Complexes of Thymol and Cinnamaldehyde with β-Cyclodextrins 149
P. A. Ponce, M. P. Buera, and B. E. Elizalde

11. Beyond Water: Waterlike Functions of Other Biological Compounds in a Waterless System 157
B. R. Bhandari

12. Water Sorption and Transport in Dry, Crispy Bread Crust 165
M. B. J. Meinders, N. H. van Nieuwenhuijzen, R. H. Tromp, R. J. Hamer, and T. van Vliet

13. Water State and Distribution During Storage of Soy Bread with and without Almond 175
A. Lodi and Y. Vodovotz

14. Phase Separation of Ice Crystals in Starch-Based Systems During Freezing and Effects on Moisture Content and Starch Glass Transition 185
T. Tran, K. Piyachomkwan, and K. Sriroth

15. Carrot Fiber as a Carrier in Spray Drying of Fructose 191
K. Cheuyglintase and K. R. Morison

Session 3: Microstructured and Nanostructured Changes in Food 199

Invited Speakers

16. Taking the Measure of Water 203
D. S. Reid

17. Rehydration Modeling of Food Particulates by Using Principles of Water Transport in Porous Media 219
I. S. Saguy, O. Troygot, A. Marabi, and R. Wallach

18. Protein Hydration in Structure Creation 237
P. J. Lillford and A.-M. Hermansson

19. Water Partitioning in Colloidal Systems as Determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 251
P. Chinachoti and P. Chatakanonda

20. Physical Changes in Confectionery Products Caused by the Availability of Water, with a Special Focus on Lactitol Crystallization 271
M. H. Lim, B. Lampen, L. F. Siow, and T. Rades

Oral Presentations

21. Entrapment of Probiotic Bacteria in Frozen Cryoprotectants and Viability in Freeze Drying 285
Y. H. Roos and K. S. Pehkonen

22. Fracture Behavior of Biopolymer Films Prepared from Aqueous Solutions 291
I. Yakimets, S. S. Paes, N. Wellner, and J. R. Mitchell

Session 4: Biomaterial Sciences: Water in Stability and Delivery of Active Biomolecules 297

Invited Speakers

23. The Plasticization-Antiplasticization Threshold of Water in Microcrystalline Cellulose: A Perspective Based on Bulk Free Volume 301
S. P. Chamarthy, F. X. Diringer, and R. Pinal

24. Understanding the Role of Water in Nonaqueous Pharmaceutical Systems 315
B. D. Anderson, S. S. Rane, and T.-X. Xiang

25. Crystallization, Collapse, and Glass Transition in Low-Water Food Systems 335
Y. H. Roos

26. Carbohydrates in Amorphous States: Molecular Packing, Nanostructure, and Interaction with Water 353
J. Ubbink

27. Ice Crystallization in Gels and Foods Manipulated by the Polymer Network 373
N. Murase, S. Yamada, and N. Ijima

28. Marine-Inspired Water-Structured Biomaterials 385
A.-M. Hermansson, P. Olofsson, S. Ekstedt, M. Pihl, and P. Gatenholm

Part 2 Poster Presentations 397

Session 5: Role of Water Mobility/Dynamics in Food and Pharmaceutical Systems 399

29. Another Unusual Property of Water: It Increases the Glass Transition Temperature of a Glassy Polymer 401
S. P. Chamarthy and R. Pinal

30. Molecular Mobility Interpretation of Water-Sorption Isotherms of Food Materials by Means of Gravimetric Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 411
W. P. Weglarz, M. Witek, C. Inoue, H. Van As, and J. van Duynhoven

31. Kinetics of Enthalpy Relaxation in Corn Syrup–Sucrose Mixtures 419
B. R. Bhandari and R. W. Hartel

32. Development of a Novel Phase Transition Measurement Device for Solid Food Materials: Thermal Mechanical Compression Test (TMCT) 429
Y. Liu, P. Intipunya, T. T. Truong, W. Zhou, and B. R. Bhandari

33. Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Molecular Mobility in Potato Systems in Relation to Nonenzymatic Browning 437
N. C. Acevedo, C. Schebor, and M. P. Buera

34. Nonenzymatic Browning Reaction and Enthalpy Relaxation of Glassy Foods 445
K. Tsuji, K. Kawai, M. Watanabe, and T. Suzuki

35. Film-Forming Ability of Duck Egg White and Its Water-Vapor Barrier Property 453
W. Garnjanagoonchorn, A. Yimjaroenpornsakul, N. Poovarodom, and S. Praditdoung

36. Water-Vapor Permeability of Chitosan and Methoxy Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ε-caprolactone) Blend Homogeneous Films 459
N. Niamsa, N. Morakot, and Y. Baimark

37. Ice Formation in Concentrated Aqueous Glucose Solutions 465
P. Thanatuksorn, K. Kajiwara, N. Murase, and F. Franks

38. Effects of Sodium and Potassium Ions on the Viscosities in the Sodium/Potassium-Glucose-Water Ternary System 473
M. Soga, K. Kurosaki, and K. Kajiwara

39. Comparison of Water Sorption and Crystallization Behaviors of Freeze-Dried Lactose, Lactitol, Maltose, and Maltitol 477
K. Jouppila, M. Lähdesmäki, P. Laine, M. Savolainen, and R. A. Talja

40. Sorption Behavior of Extruded Rice Starch in the Presence of Glycerol 483
J. Enrione, S. Hill, J. R. Mitchell, and F. Pedreschi

41. Water State and Mobility Affect the Mechanical Properties of Coffee Beans 491
P. Pittia, G. Sacchetti, P. Rocculi, L. Venturi, M. Cremonini, and M. Dalla Rosa

42. Effect of Water Activity on the Release Characteristics of Encapsulated Flavor 499
A. Soottitantawat, H. Yoshii, and T. Furuta

43. Water and Protein Modifier Effects on the Phase Transitions and Microstructure of Mung-Bean Starch Granules 507
P. Hongsprabhas and K. Israkarn

44. Evaluation of the Disintegration and Diffusion of Pharmaceutical Solid Matrices by Image Processing and Nonlinear Dynamics 515
D. I. Téllez-Medina, A. Ortíz-Moreno, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

Session 6: Properties and Stability of Food and Biological Systems 523

45. Effect of Water Content on Physical Properties of Potato Chips 525
F. Pedreschi and P. Moyano

46. Predicting Water Migration in Starchy Food During Cooking 533
S. Thammathongchat, M. Fukuoka, T. Hagiwara, T. Sakiyama, and H. Watanabe

47. Nonenzymatic Browning May Be Inhibited or Accelerated by Magnesium Chloride According to the Level of Water Availability and Saccharide-Specific Interactions 539
P. R. Santagapita, S. B. Matiacevich, and M. P. Buera

48. Combined Effect of Cinnamon Essential Oil and Water Activity on Growth Inhibition of Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus flavus and Possible Application in Extending the Shelf Life of Bread 545
S. Nanasombat, N. Piumnoppakun, D. Atikanbodee, and M. Rattanasuwan

49. From Water to Ice: Investigation of the Effect of Ice Crystal Reduction on the Stability of Frozen Large Unilamellar Vesicles 551
L. F. Siow, T. Rades, and M. H. Lim

50. Does Microencapsulation Improve Storage Stability of Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) Ellagitannins? 563
P. Laine, P. Kylli, M. Heinonen, and K. Jouppila

51. Nonenzymatic Browning Reaction of Glassy Foods: Characterization of Local Reactions Independent of the Glassy Matrix 571
K. Kawai, T. Suzuki, and K. Kajiwara

52. Physical Properties of Protein-Carbohydrate Sheets Produced by a Twin-Screw Extruder 577
R. A. Talja, K. S. Pehkonen, K. Jouppila, and Y. H. Roos

53. Thermal Transitions, Mechanical Properties, and Molecular Mobility in Cornflakes as Affected by Water Content 583
A. Farroni, S. B. Matiacevich, S. Guerrero, S. Alzamora, and M. P. Buera

54. Texture of Glassy Tapioca-Flour–Based Baked Products as a Function of Moisture Content 591
R. Kulchan, P. Suppakul, and W. Boonsupthip

55. Effects of Excipients on the Storage Stability of Freeze-Dried Xanthine Oxidase 599
P. Srirangsan, K. Kawai, N. Hamada-Sato, M. Watanabe, and T. Suzuki

56. Water Properties in Bread Produced with an Innovative Mixer 605
E. Curti, E. Vittadini, A. Di Pasquale, L. Riviera, F. Antoniazzi, and A. Storci

57. Evaluation of Deformation and Shrinking of Potato Slabs During Convective Drying 613
R. Campos-Mendiola, C. Gumeta-Chávez, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, A. Jiménez-Aparicio, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

58. Effects of Different Cut-Induced Microstructural and Macrostructural Arrays on Convective Drying of Agave atrovirens Karw 619
C. Gumeta-Chávez, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, G. Calderón-Domínguez, A. Vega, P. Ligero, J. A. Mendoza-Pérez, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

59. Study of White-Bread Structural Evolution by Means of Image Analysis and Associated Thermal History and Water-Loss Kinetics 627
A. Pérez-Nieto, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, G. Calderón-Domínguez, R. Farrera-Rebollo, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

60. Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on the Rheological Properties of High-Amylose Rice Starch 635
P. Khunae, T. Tran, and P. Sirivongpisal

61. Influence of Glass Transition on Oxygen Permeability of Starch-Based Edible Films 641
D. Thirathumthavorn, S. Charoenrein, and J. M. Krochta

62. Molecular Mobility and Seed Longevity in Chenopodium quinoa 647
M. Castellión, S. Maldonado, and M. P. Buera

63. Analyzing the Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycle on the Off-Aroma of Pineapple by Using an Electronic Nose Technique 657
S. Charoenrein and T. Kaewtathip

64. Water Uptake and Solid Loss During Soaking of Milled Rice Grains 663
P. Chatakanonda and K. Sriroth

65. Microstructural, Physical, and Rehydration Properties of Maltodextrin Powders Obtained by Spray Drying 673
A. L. Muñoz-Herrera, V. Tejeda-Hernández, A. Jiménez-Aparicio, J. Welti-Chanes, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

66. Nanostructures and Minimum Integral Entropy as Related to Food Stability 681
L. A. Pascual-Pineda, E. Flores-Andrade, C. I. B. Guevara, L. Alamilla-Beltrán, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, E. Azuara-Nieto, and G. F. Gutiérrez-López

Index 689

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