Managing Public Disputes: A Practical Guide for Professionals in Government, Business, and Citizen's GroupsISBN: 978-0-7879-5742-1
320 pages
August 2001, Jossey-Bass
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The Authors.
Part 1: Public Controversies and Conflict Management.
1 Understanding Public Disputes: The Spiral of UnmanagedConflict.
2 Dealing with Conflict Productively: Alternatives and CaseExamples.
3 Developing an Effective Program of Conflict Management: TenPrinciples.
Part 2: A Step-By-Step Process for Managing PublicDisputes.
4 Analyzing the Conflict.
5 Designing a Strategy and Setting Up the Conflict ManagementProgram.
6 Adopting Procedures, Educating Parties, and DevelopingOptions.
7 Reaching and Carrying Out Agreements.
Part 3: Ensuring the Success of Conflict Management.
8 Guidelines for Making the Program Work.
9 Paying Attention to Underlying Dynamics: Values, Trust,Power.
10 Handling the Human Side of the Process.
11 Removing Roadblocks.
Part 1: Public Controversies and Conflict Management.
1 Understanding Public Disputes: The Spiral of UnmanagedConflict.
2 Dealing with Conflict Productively: Alternatives and CaseExamples.
3 Developing an Effective Program of Conflict Management: TenPrinciples.
Part 2: A Step-By-Step Process for Managing PublicDisputes.
4 Analyzing the Conflict.
5 Designing a Strategy and Setting Up the Conflict ManagementProgram.
6 Adopting Procedures, Educating Parties, and DevelopingOptions.
7 Reaching and Carrying Out Agreements.
Part 3: Ensuring the Success of Conflict Management.
8 Guidelines for Making the Program Work.
9 Paying Attention to Underlying Dynamics: Values, Trust,Power.
10 Handling the Human Side of the Process.
11 Removing Roadblocks.