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Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition

ISBN: 978-0-7645-4365-4
1200 pages
March 2002
Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition (0764543652) cover image
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Chapter 1: Introducing Java.

Chapter 2: Programs, Data, Variables and Calculation.

Chapter 3: Loops and Logic.

Chapter 4: Arrays and Strings.

Chapter 5: Defining Classes.

Chapter 6: Extending Classes and Inheritance.

Chapter 7: Exceptions.

Chapter 8: Understanding Streams.

Chapter 9: Accessing Files and Directories.

Chapter 10: Writing Files.

Chapter 11: Reading Files.

Chapter 12: Serializing Objects.

Chapter 13: Collection Classes.

Chapter 14: A Collection of Useful Classes.

Chapter 15: Threads.

Chapter 16: Creating Windows.

Chapter 17: Handling Events.

Chapter 18: Drawing in a Window.

Chapter 19: Extending the GUI.

Chapter 20: Filing and Printing Documents.

Chapter 21: Java and XML.

Chapter 22: Creating and Modifying XML Documents.

Appendix A: Keywords.

Appendix B: Computer Arithmetic.

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