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Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition

ISBN: 978-0-7645-4365-4
1200 pages
March 2002
Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition (0764543652) cover image
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Ivor Horton has extensive experience of programming and large-scale systems implementation in a wide range of industrial environments. He has in-depth knowledge and experience of production scheduling and online control systems, computer-aided design and manufacturing systems, as well diverse engineering and scientific applications. He's also taught programming in a variety of languages to engineering and scientific personnel primarily in aerospace and automotive companies. After countless years in the computer industry both doing and managing, Ivor now writes on programming topics for relaxation. When not relaxing, he takes an interest in cosmology, cacti, chaos, and cameras, and does a little editing and criticising of other peoples' efforts on the side.

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