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ColdFusion MX For Dummies

ISBN: 978-0-7645-1672-6
408 pages
September 2002
ColdFusion MX For Dummies (0764516728) cover image
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Useful Links

Useful Links

Here is a list of very useful Web sites that can help you improve your ColdFusion skills.

One of the largest repositories of ColdFusion information on the planet is the venerable ColdFusion Forums, part of the Macromedia site.

You can find articles by ColdFusion gurus, tutorials, sample sites, and plenty more about ColdFusion. Plus there are white papers galore, a knowledge base, and all the other features you'd expect in a support site.

House of Fusion is responsible for CF-Talk and several other key mailing lists for the ColdFusion community. Most of the gurus of the ColdFusion world read CF-Talk.

The site includes an extensive DevBank of developers, consulting companies, and others who perform ColdFusion work.

The folks at SYS-CON publish a number of technology-specific magazines, but the online CFAdvisor (www.cfadvisor.com) and the print ColdFusion Developer's Journal (CFDJ) are both outstanding resources for ColdFusion techniques.

CFNewbie is aimed squarely at answering the questions of new ColdFusion developers. This is one site worth exploring as you improve your ColdFusion skills.

This is a great site that can save you hours of work in building your own functions. The functions are grouped into about a dozen categories, and you can download the entire set of functions for each category in a single file.

CFM Resources is a source for ColdFusion information, as well as an excellent resource for lists of newsgroups, ColdFusion user groups, jobs, and other ColdFusion material.

The ColdFusion community has done a great job organizing conferences, particularly the conferences thrown in the Washington, D.C., area (such as TeraTech's yearly CFUN conference) and the conferences thrown the day before the official Macromedia ColdFusion Developer's conferences.

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