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ColdFusion MX For Dummies

ISBN: 978-0-7645-1672-6
408 pages
September 2002
ColdFusion MX For Dummies (0764516728) cover image
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ColdFusion MX For Dummies comes with a sample application, the Human Resources Portal (HRP), that shows the various features of ColdFusion MX. The HRP that we build over the course of this book is basically a phone book that enables people to search for employees by first name, last name, or even phone number. The HRP also contains an organization listing that shows all the employees in a selected department. You can see detailed information about employees, such as names, phone numbers, and office locations. In the spirit of useful running examples, this application touches on most of the ideas we demonstrate in this book. (By the way, all the employees in the HRP are fictitious, with the exception of two. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to determine which two are not fictitious.)

Download HRP.zip or the Fusebox version.

Exploring the Sample Application

To get started, download the ZIP file containing the HRP application and source code. To unpack the archive, you need an unzipping tool, such as Winzip. Unzip the files to a directory under your Web server’s root directory and read the install.txt file for further installation instructions.

329.33 KB Click to Download
fbhrp.zip (Fusebox version ) 28.86 KB Click to Download

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