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Windows NT Server 4 For Dummies

ISBN: 978-0-7645-0524-9
432 pages
March 1999
Windows NT Server 4 For Dummies (0764505246) cover image
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PART I: Getting Grounded in Networking Basics.

Chapter 1: Demystifying Network Mumbo-Jumbo.

Chapter 2: Understanding Client/Server Networks.

Chapter 3: Matters of Protocol.

Chapter 4: My Kingdom for a Topology!

PART II: Putting Your Hardware in Place.

Chapter 5: Designing a Network.

Chapter 6: Installing Network Interface Cards.

Chapter 7: Linkin' Networks, Not Logs.

Chapter 8: If You Build It, They Will Come!

PART III: Revving Up Your Server.

Chapter 9: Installing Your Server Software.

Chapter 10: Configuring the Network Hardware (Blech!).

Chapter 11: Printing on the Network.

Chapter 12: Next on Montel -- IP Addresses and the Nerds Who Love Them.

Chapter 13: Just Trust Me -- Setting Up Domains and Trusts.

PART IV: Managing Your Network.

Chapter 14: Managing Users with the User Manager.

Chapter 15: Managing Shares and Permissions.

Chapter 16: Backing Up for a Rainy Day.

Chapter 17: Managing Network Security.

PART V: Troubleshooting Network Snafus.

Chapter 18: Using NT Troubleshooting Utilities.

Chapter 19: Nixing Network Problems.

Chapter 20: Solving Printing Problems.

Chapter 21: Solving Hardware Problems.

PART VI: The Part of Tens.

Chapter 22: The Top Ten NT Server Installation and Configuration Tips.

Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Network NT Server -- and Live to Tell the Tale!

Chapter 24: Ten Tips and Tricks for Troubleshooting Windows NT Server.


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