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Religion, Modernity and Postmodernity

ISBN: 978-0-631-19848-2
348 pages
July 1998, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $60.95
Government Price: US $35.79
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover

List of Contributors.

1. Introduction: On Differentiation and Dedifferentiation: Paul Heelas (University of Lancaster).

2. Cathedrals to Cults: The Evolving Forms of Religious Life: Steve Bruce (University of Aberdeen).

3. Terminal Faith: Mark C. Taylor (Williams College).

4. Postmodern Religion? Zygmunt Bauman (University of Leeds).

5. Tradition, Retrospective Perception, Nationalism and Modernism : Ninian Smart (University of California at Santa Barbara).

6. From Fundamentalism to Fundamentalisms: A Religious Ideology in Multiple Forms: Bruce B. Lawrence (Duke University).

7. From Pre- to Postmodernity in Latin America: The Case of Pentacostalism: Bernice Martin (Royal Holloway College, London).

8. Secularization and Citizenship in Muslim Indonesia: Robert W. Hefner (Boston University).

9. Religion and National Identity in Modern and Postmodern Japan: Winston Davis (Washington and Lee University).

10. The Construals of 'Europe': Religion, Theology and the Problematics of Modernity: Richard H. Roberts (Lancaster University).

11. Post-Christianity: Don Cupitt (University of Cambridge).

12. Kenosis and Naming: Beyond Analogy and Towards Allegoria Amoris: Graham Ward (University of Cambridge).

13. Sublimity: The Modern Transcendent: John Milbank (University of Cambridge).

14. The Primacy of Theology and the Question of Perception: Philip Blond (University of Cambridge).

15. The Impossible: Kevin Hart (Monash University).


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