Religion, Modernity and PostmodernityISBN: 978-0-631-19848-2
348 pages
July 1998, Wiley-Blackwell
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover
<!--end-->"This book is essentially aimed at students in
theology and philosophy, but I believe that it will also provide
sociologists and historians with some fascinating and original
material. An Excellent book" Dominique Macneill, University of
"Heelas has collected essays from scholars across the English
speaking world. The result is the most comprehensive scholarly
treatment of the benefits and imitations of postmodern description
of religion yet available. Highly recommended for graduate level
collections, suitable also for upper-division undergraduates,
faculty and researchers, and professionals and practitioners."
S.H. Webb, Walsh College
"The volume does collect together summative essays by a number
of important thinkers, and everyone will find something of value
here." Philip Goodchild, St Martin's College
"Theology and the Sociology of Religion have traditionally been
kept separate, and specialists in each field have often been
suspicious of the other. This book brings both of them together for
the benefit of both.... I was pleased to see that the
bibliographies were not limited to works published in English, but
also include many sources published in other languages. This way,
having had their appetite whet by such compelling reading, both
polyglot and the less-able linguist can find further intellectual
nourishment." Dominique Macneill, University of Exeter
"... The volume collects together summative essays by a number
of important thinkers, and everyone will find something of value
here." Philip Goodchild, St Martin's College
"Religion, Modernity and Postmodernity is an excellent collection of scholarly arguments about the state of religion, and religious studies, at the end of the twentieth centry. It is one of those books that will be read over and over again by graduate students and scholars for both ideas and content." Nova Religio