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Winning at Service: Lessons from Service Leaders

ISBN: 978-0-470-84823-4
200 pages
January 2003
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $48.00
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Winning at Service: Lessons from Service Leaders (0470848235) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

Waldemar Schmidt, Executive-in-Residence, IMD, Lausanne. Before becoming Executive-in-Residence at IMD, Waldemar Schmidt was CEO of ISS, the world's leading facilities support services group with 26 5000 employees in 35 countries. To cap his career accomplishments he now serves on the supervisory boards of 12 European companies and serves as chairman of 5 of them.

Gordon Adler, Senior Writer, IMD, Lausanne. In addition to serving as IMD's Senior Writer, Gordon Adler also works as an editor and communications consultant/writing coach at a number of international companies. A freelance writer, he recently co-authored a book about family business, and has published in leading journals and magazines.

Els van Weering, Research Associate and Project Manager at IMD, Lausanne, creates case studies for IMD's executive education programmes. Her areas of special expertise include corporate learning, international growth, entrepreneurship in large corporations, talent retention, strategy and leadership.
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