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Rewire Your Brain: Think Your Way to a Better Life

ISBN: 978-0-470-48729-7
256 pages
March 2010
List Price: US $16.95
Government Price: US $8.64
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Rewire Your Brain: Think Your Way to a Better Life (0470487291) cover image

“At last, a practical book that not only brings us up to date with the latest developments in neuroscience but also gives tools and techniques to help 'rewire the brain' and maximize the brain's potential. A fascinating and inspirational book. “
Jane Stephenson, JSA  Seminars Dublin, Ireland

"Dr. Arden paved the way for brain-based therapy and what the brain can do. It’s refreshing, practical and innovative.”
Kit S. Ng, PhD, Director, Asia Institute of Professional Psychology, Singapore

"In Rewire Your Brain Dr. John Arden goes on an exciting quest for your mind. If you would like to learn more about Mindful Attitudes and Brain-based therapies, you definitely need to read this book.”
George Dinchev, Owner of http://psychology-bg.com – the psychology in Bulgaria and SEE Region

"Concomitantly with growing professional recognition of the importance of integrating advancements in neuroscience into clinical practice, books such as Rewire Your Brain make this innovative information accessible to the general public, thereby providing readers with practical guidelines to enhancing their wellbeing. It is a valuable contribution indeed.”
Avigail Moor Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Tel Hai College, Israel

“Once I started to read Rewire Your Brain, it was hard to stop. John Arden has a gift for making complicated and advanced scientific findings interesting and easy to understand. I have not been reading much about brain structures, processes, and neurotransmitters since studying first year psychology almost 30 years ago, a time when the knowledge in this field was quite rudimentary. Rewire Your Brain presents ‘old’ knowledge and concepts together with results of new research in at way that gives you an updated insight in ‘how we are wired.’ Even more important, it gives hope and practical advice for both therapists and their patients, but also for healthy individuals who want to improve their memory, mood, or bad habits!”
Per A Straumsheim, Special Advisor, Norwegian Psychological Association

“Dr. Arden tells us all about the brain in an accessible way, he even animates it in some way, in contrast to brain researchers who investigate the brain like an lifeless mechanism. In order to maintain an active and flexible brain, the author shows practical ways of neuropsychologically-competent mastery of brain.  Therefore the book is free of theoretical abstractions, scientific dryness, and haughtiness.”
Gayane Shaverdian, Ph.D. Chair and Professor of the Department of Applied Psychology, Yerevan State University, Armenia

“This book speaks of a universal language that breaks cultural borders . People from the West will have a better understanding of early Asian therapies and why it is effective; while those from the East will appreciate the contribution of modern Western health perspectives . It gives a scientific explanation of how therapies like meditation, chi-gong, exercise, hypnosis and other non-traditional healing interventions can affect health and longevity. It will certainly rewire the mindsets of many public readers.”
Isabel Echanis-Melgar, PhD., Chair, Committee on Clinical Psychology, Psychological Association of the Philippines


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