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Silverlight 3 Programmer's Reference

ISBN: 978-0-470-38540-1
608 pages
August 2009
Silverlight 3 Programmer's Reference (0470385405) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
5 Error in Text
In Silverlight 3 Programmer's Reference, page 5, there is a list of Operating Systems.

Windows 2003

Should be

Windows Server 2003.
35 Error in Text
Second instance in the second to last paragraph on the page:

"The Fill property supports attribute syntax when you use a SolidColorBrush to set it because SolidColorBrush supports attribute syntax"

Should be:

"The Fill property supports property element syntax when you use a SolidColorBrush to set it because SolidColorBrush supports property element syntax"
39 Error in Text
Second paragraph:

"As an example of the KeyDown event, the following code demonstrates how you would define the event on the Canvas element..."

Should be:

"As an example of the KeyDown event, the following code demonstrates how you would define the event on the TextBox element..."
70 Error in Text
First line on page:

Blend 2

Should be

Blend 3
81 Error in Text
Last paragraph:

...individually on a column, using its CanUserRender property...

Should be:

... individually on a column, using its CanUserReorder property...

The CanUseRender property doesn't exist.
93 Error in Text
First non-code paragraph:

"... Using the Text property, the TextBlock ignores an leading or trailing white space that may be present; however, this is preserved by providing the content inline."

Should be:

"... Providing the content inline, the TextBlock ignores any leading or trailing white space that may be present; however, this is preserved by using the text property."

The logic is completely reversed and incorrect.
323 Error in Text
class "Page" should be "MainPage"
323 Error in Text
comment "iniate" should be "iniciate"

comment "apporpriate" should be "appropriate"

comment "integet" should be "integer"

340 Error in Text
Handling Binding Exceptions - 4th paragraph:

"VaidationErrorEventActaion" should be "ValidationErrorEventAction"
347 Error in Text
Reading and Writing to a File - 2nd paragraph:

"System.Xml.Serializaion" should be "System.Xml.Serializalion"
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