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Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB

ISBN: 978-0-470-18757-9
1704 pages
March 2008
Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB (0470187573) cover image
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Chapter 1: Application and Page Frameworks.

Chapter 2: ASP.NET Server Controls and Client-Side Scripts.

Chapter 3: ASP.NET Web Server Controls.

Chapter 4: Validation Server Controls.

Chapter 5: Working with Master Pages.

Chapter 6: Themes and Skins.

Chapter 7: Data Binding in ASP.NET 3.5.

Chapter 8: Data Management with ADO.NET.

Chapter 9: Querying with LINQ.

Chapter 10: Working with XML and LINQ to XML.

Chapter 11: IIS7.

Chapter 12: Introduction to the Provider Model.

Chapter 13: Extending the Provider Model.

Chapter 14: Site Navigation.

Chapter 15: Personalization.

Chapter 16: Membership and Role Management.

Chapter 17: Portal Frameworks and Web Parts.

Chapter 18: HTML and CSS Design with ASP.NET.

Chapter 19: ASP.NET AJAX.

Chapter 20: ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.

Chapter 21: Security.

Chapter 22: State Management.

Chapter 23: Caching.

Chapter 24: Debugging and Error Handling.

Chapter 25: File I/O and Streams.

Chapter 26: User and Server Controls.

Chapter 27: Modules and Handlers.

Chapter 28: Using Business Objects.

Chapter 29: Building and Consuming Services.

Chapter 30: Localization.

Chapter 31: Configuration.

Chapter 32: Instrumentation.

Chapter 33: Administration and Management.

Chapter 34: Packaging and Deploying ASP.NET Applications.

Appendix A: Migrating Older ASP.NET Projects.

Appendix B: ASP.NET Ultimate Tools.

Appendix C: Silverlight.

Appendix D: ASP.NET Online Resources.


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