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Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB

ISBN: 978-0-470-18757-9
1704 pages
March 2008
Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB (0470187573) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
Error in Figure 1-11
Figure 1-11 is incorrect. Please download the corrected figure here:

Error in Figure 1-12
Figure 1-12 is incorrect. Please download the corrected figure here:

2 Error in Online Materials: Figure 2-8
online errata, no print correction:

Figure 2-8 shows a quick shortcut and visual notification that were removed from the final version of VS2008.

Please download the corrected figure here:

Error in Figure 2-12
Figure 2-12 is incorrect. Please download the corrected figure here:

v Author Bio
page v, frontmatter, author bio, replace what's there for Scott Hanselman with:

Scott Hanselman works for Microsoft as a Senior Program Manager in the Developer Division, aiming to spread the good word about developing software, most often on the Microsoft stack. Before this he worked in eFinance for 6+ years and before that he was a Principal Consultant at a Microsoft Partner for nearly 7 years. He was also involved in a few things like the MVP and RD programs and will speak about computers (and other passions) whenever someone will listen to him. He blogs at http://www.hanselman.com and podcasts at http://www.hanselminutes.com and contributes to http://www.asp.net, http://www.windowsclient.net, and http://www.silverlight.net.
v Author Bio
Devin's bio on page v in the frontmatter is also an outdated pickup and needs to be replaced with:

Devin Rader is a Product Manager on the Infragistics Web Client team, responsible for leading the creation of Infragistics ASP.NET and Silverlight products. Devin is also an active proponent and member of the .NET developer community, being a co-founder of the St. Louis .NET User Group, an active member of the New Jersey .NET User Group, a former board member of the International .NET Association (INETA), and a regular speaker at user groups. He is also a contributing author on the Wrox title Silverlight 1.0 and a technical editor for several other Wrox publications and has written columns for ASP.NET Pro magazine, as well as .NET technology articles for MSDN Online. You can find more of Devin’s musings at www.geekswithblogs.com/devin.
2 75 1st, 73 2nd Error in Code
Code, 5th line from end:

<a href="Default.aspx"<Home</a>

Should be

<a href="Default.aspx"> Home </a>

1 16 1st, 14 2nd Error in Text
The following statement should be added at the end of the SmartNavigation description:

Since ASP.NET 2.0, SmartNavigation has been deprecated, use the SetFocus() method and the MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback property instead.
83 1st, 80 2nd Error in Text
Paragraph after heading "Manipulating Pages and Server Controls with JavaScript" next to last line:

For example, look at a simple Label server control

Should be

For example, look at a simple TextBox server control
84 Error in Text
Reads: "More methods and properties than just these two are available through the Client Script object..."

The previous sentence refers to three methods.
2 88 2nd Error in Listing 2-23
Chapter 2, Listing 2-23
(page 88 in 2nd printing, page 91 in 1st printing)

<head runat="server"<

Should be:
<head runat="server">
95 1st, 92 2nd Error in Code
In the code snippet after the paragraph beginning "In addition...", first line of code:


Should be

8 442 1st, 423 2nd Error in Text
The following should be added to the end of the paragraph before listing 8-33:

For this to work, you are going to have to add MultipleActiveResultSets=True to your connection string.
8 444 1st, 426 2nd Error in Listing 8-33
On page 444 of the first printing on the 16th line of code under the C# heading, and on page 426 2nd printing on the 11th line of code:


Should be

8 451 Correction
chapter 8, page 451 listing 8-35, first line under VB heading should read:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
505 Error in Test Question
The correct answer to Chapter 1 question 26 should be "B", NOT "D".
10 508 Error in Listing
In Listing 9-5 the Books.xml file...
should be corrected to refer to listing 10-5
513 Error in Listing
page 513, 2nd para after "Including NameTable Optimization" heading, 3nd line:

to the NameTable that you know will be in the document. Listings 9-5 and 9-6 use string comparisons...
should be referring to 10-5 and 10-6
11 579 1st, 559 2nd Error in Text
On page 579-581 in the first print, and on page 559-560 in the second print, the text near the bottom of the page, continuing after the figure and code listing:

Welcome.html and Start.html

should be

Welcome.htm and Start.htm

in several places.
12 596 1st, 576 2nd Error in Listing 12-2
4th line of listing:

connectionString="Data Source=;Integrated Security=SSPI" />

should be

connectionString="Data Source=;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Initial Catalog=aspnetdb;" />
13 Error in Figure 13-1
Figure 13-1 is incorrect. Download the replacement figure here:

310 Error in Code
Listing 7-27

In the GridView1_Sorting event

The code should say:

e.SortExpression = OldExpression & ", " & newExpression

Otherwise, it resort with the new column first. This is a mistake in both the VB and C# code.
14 690 1st, 666 2nd Error in Text
Paragraph beginning "Note that you had to..." 3rd line:

method, the Finance node

should be

method, the Markets node
720 1st, 693 2nd Error in Text
Paragraph beginning "From this example, ..." 2nd line:

(shown in bold)

Should be


15 750, 1st print Typo in Text
First heading:


Should be

21 1004 1st, 973 2nd Error in Text
Paragraph after the heading "Integrated Windows Authentication", last sentence:

This system of authentication also requires the client to be using Microsoft?s Internet Explorer, which might not always be possible.

Should be:

This system of authentication also requires the client to be using Microsoft's Internet Explorer for straight through processing (if you don't want your end users to be challenged), which might not always be possible.
22 1046 1st, 1016 2nd Error in Code
Bold code headings:

C# - Default.asp

Should be

C# Default.aspx
26 1210 1st, 1175 2nd Error in Text
Listing 26-6

should be

Listing 26-10
26 1210 1st, 1176 2nd Error in Text
2nd paragraph under Property/Event Attributes heading:

Listing 26-1

should be

Listing 26-10
27 1276 1st, 1242 2nd Error in Figure
Figure 27-1, near the top left,


should be


27 Error in Figure 27-6
Figure 27-6 is the wrong figure.

Figure 27-5 is the correct figure for 27-6.
29 1345 1st, 13112nd Error in Code
Last code line before heading "SOAP":

<int xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">7</int>

Should be:

<int xmlns="xmlns="http://www.wrox.com/addition/">7</int>
34 1532 1st, 1494 2nd Error in Text
First text paragraph:

production server (Z:\)

should be

production server (Y:\)
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