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Pension Revolution: A Solution to the Pensions Crisis

ISBN: 978-0-470-08723-7
368 pages
January 2007
List Price: US $80.00
Government Price: US $40.79
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“I enjoyed reading the book…Well documented, the author makes it clear that it is time to change our thinking about asset management.” (Investment & Pensions Europe,  April 2007) 

“This book is a valuable tool in raising awareness of the current climate and provides people with the information they need to create efficient pension solutions in the future." (Pensions World, May 2007)


"The tectonic plates of governance reform have totally transformed the landscape of governance in publicly traded corporations. Now, Ambachtsheer challenges the owners of those corporations, the institutional investors, to examine themselves and to reform their own fiduciary practices."
—David Beatty, Managing Director, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, Canada

"I discovered Keith Ambachtsheer's cutting-edge ideas and thinking a decade ago, and only wish I had discovered him sooner. Ambachtsheer offers intelligent and practical strategic thinking about pension governance, benefit design, and investment policy. If you are struggling with the pension crisis, you owe it to yourself to read the Pension Revolution."
—David Blitzstein, Director, Negotiated Benefits Department, United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, U.S.A.

"Retirement plans are a critical part of both the social systems and the financial systems of the free world. They are failing on both counts. Turning failure to success will be no mean task, and there is no better place to begin than Pension Revolution. It demands your attention."
—Jack Bogle, Founder and Former CEO, The Vanguard Group, U.S.A.

"Over the years, Keith Ambachtsheer has triggered pension funds around the world with ground breaking initiatives like CEM and his insightful 'Ambachtsheer Letters.' This book is no exception to this impressive tradition. The issues raised in this book should be in the forefront of the minds of trustees, pension professionals and regulators. Pension Revolution will definitely be one of the key contributions to the pension debate and the challenge to design sustainable pension systems."
—Else Bos, CEO, PGGM Investments, The Netherlands

"Yet another revolution in pensions! This one is about the very future of private pensions, their design, benefits, funding and the distribution of risk. As we would expect from Keith Ambachtsheer, this book combines perceptive and informed assessment of the issues with a way forward. This is nothing short of Drucker's world re-written for the twenty-first century."
—Gordon Clark, Professor of Geography and Director of the Oxford University Centre for the Environment, Oxford University,U.K.

"Financing retirement income has reached crisis proportions around the world. Keith has thought as much as anyone about how to best redeem and redefine societies' vital, yet frail structures for delivering income to workers once they retire. Here in one place you get the benefit of that accumulated wisdom."
—Richard Ennis, Co-founder and Chairman, Ennis Knupp + Associates, U.S.A., and Editor, Financial Analysts Journal

"I have known and worked with Keith for many years and look forward to the next chapter in his analysis of the pension fund business. I anticipate a thought provoking "solution" which will no doubt impact how many of us think about our business going forward."
—Nancy Everett, President and Chief Executive Officer, General Motors Asset Management, U.S.A.

"While I don't necessarily agree with all of Keith's pension revolution conclusions and proposed solutions, I do believe there is great value in seriously considering the issues. This thought-provoking book makes a substantial contribution to promoting that highly desirable end result."
—Gary Findlay, Executive Director, Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, U.S.A.

"A cure for pension ills? Founded on problems so well defined and incorporating relevant factors so well described in his earlier works, Keith's Pension Revolution is surely an excellent prescription. Whether it is a cure is up to those of us with oversight responsibilities."
—Michael Grandin, Corporate Director and former Dean, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Canada

"Keith Ambachtsheer is one of the few pension thinkers consistently worth (re-)reading. His writings push all stakeholders towards clarity of purpose, governance, measurement, expression, and execution. Ineluctably his TOPS model offers a new vision for future pension deals."
—Jack Gray, Global Investment Strategist, GMO Australia Limited and Advisor to Sunsuper, Australia

"When it comes to investment and pension funds, Keith has spend more time than anyone thinking, researching, writing and talking about how to get better investment performance and pension outcomes. Pension systems around the world are at a crossroad. The book is a must read for decision makers as well as plan participants."
—Claude Lamoureux, President & Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Canada

"No one in the world knows more about Pension Funds than Keith Ambachtsheer. Pension Revolution exactly elucidates the causes of the global pension crisis and offers a comprehensive blueprint for pension reform."
—Burton Malkiel, Professsor of Economics, Princeton University, U.S.A., and author of "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"

"As a keen reader of Keith’s 'Ambachtsheer Letters', I know his writings to be thought-provoking, bar-raising, and innovative. His new book is a ‘must-read’ for anyone involved in pension fund management. Putting his ideas in practice will benefit pension plan members around the world."
—Roderick Munsters, Chief Investment Officer, ABP Pensionfund, The Netherlands

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