In the Hands of a Chef: The Professional Chef's Guide to Essential Kitchen ToolsISBN: 978-0-470-08026-9
176 pages
December 2007, ©2008
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A revision of The Culinary Institute of America's Professional Chef's Knife Kit, the book provides must-have information on the tools necessary for any kitchen, including knives, mixing tools, gadgets, and measuring tools
Knife skills are an essential part of any chef's basic training. This book will be an invaluable resource for students and professionals, as well as for amateur home cooks interested in improving their knife skills
In addition to easy-to-follow instruction on the use of kitchen tools, the book also includes information on each tool's history and evolution and real-life kitchen secrets from top professional chefs
The affordable package includes 112 black and white photographs that illustrate kitchen tools' proper use and handling
The book's release will be tied into the launch of the CIA's new line of branded kitchen equipment