
Vendor Performance


Wiley's goal is to measure performance and provide feedback to core and strategic vendors on a regular basis.

Measurement of vendor's performance will be achieved through Wiley issuing formal performance reviews, through Wiley’s participation in supplier performance programs, or through normal business communication channels.

Performance will be mainly measured in the key areas of technological capability, vendor proactivity and flexibility, adherence to contractual terms in relation to performance, quality, and communications. There is an emphasis on ‘right first time’, so maximizing quality, minimizing errors and eliminating unnecessary costs.

The purpose of this monitoring program is to provide the vendor with Wiley’s view on the extent to which the vendor is meeting Wiley’s business needs

Wiley also encourages vendors to provide Wiley with assessments of its performance as a customer.

Information gathered in the performance measurement program will form the basis for discussions on improving the business relationship. The ultimate objective is to maximize quality, efficiency and innovation so that the value of the partnership is maximized to the mutual benefit of Wiley and its partners.