Blackwell Great Minds
The Blackwell Great Minds series gives readers a strong sense of the fundamental views of the great western thinkers and captures the relevance of these figures to the way we think and live today.
The series features both classic and modern thinkers, examines their lives, work and thought, and discusses their significance to contemporary thought.
Blackwell Great Minds (19)
by T. M. Rudavsky
March 2010, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by T. M. Rudavsky
March 2010, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by George Rudebusch
September 2009, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
September 2009, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by Wendy Donner, Richard Fumerton
January 2009, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by M. Jamie Ferreira
November 2008, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by M. Jamie Ferreira
November 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
October 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by David Sherman
October 2008, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by David Bevington
August 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by David Bevington
August 2008, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by Robert J. Wicks
April 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by Robert J. Wicks
April 2008, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by Michael Ruse
April 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by Katherine Morris
February 2008, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by Andre Gombay
January 2007, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell
by Andre Gombay
January 2007, ©2006, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by Gareth B. Matthews
January 2005, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell
by Allen W. Wood
June 2004, Hardcover, Wiley-Blackwell