
Organization and Talent Development Directors at Oracle Explain How Social Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance at Work

Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance (0470405430) cover image

Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance

ISBN: 978-0-470-40543-7
240 pages
October 2009, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $29.95
Government Price: US $15.27
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November 09, 2009
San Francisco, CA

Organization and Talent Development Directors at Oracle Explain How Social Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance at Work

Today's emerging networking technologies – wikis, blogs, and social networking sites – are dramatically changing the way we build professional relationships and work collaboratively. The organizational and business impact of this social media is significant, particularly in our increasingly complex and fiercely competitive climate. 

But many companies and executives are not prepared to harness these technologies for strategic advantage. SOCIAL MEDIA AT WORK (Jossey-Bass; November 2009; $29.95) is one of the first books that look at how to implement social media within the organization as opposed to using it for product promotion. 

Written by leaders in Oracle’s  Organization & Talent Development group,  SOCIAL MEDIA AT WORK  offers important insights to help executives leverage the power of social media to build more effective and agile organizations, help their employees get more done faster, and improve leadership development— and of course, improve their bottom line. 

Arthur Jue, Jackie Alcalde Marr, and Mary Ellen Kassotakis present research and anecdotal examples from companies including Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, , Cisco, , Intel, Genentech, , IBM, Dow, Nokia, and British Telecom.  In addition to large corporations, the book includes examples from entrepreneurs, professional organizations, and education. 

Drawing from their practical experiences at Oracle as well as significant case studies, the authors provide proven recommendations for implementing social media to:  

  • Build high performing teams
  • Foster innovative cultures
  • Accelerate organizational learning
  • Lead change
  • Strengthen internal and external relationships 

The authors offer suggestions for how to overcome or avoid costly mistakes when implementing social media at work. Indeed, technology-enabled networking tools are transforming the entire domain of human and work relationships. If organizations decide to support, design, and co-create formal social media strategies at work they will increase the value of organizational knowledge and enhance their chances of thriving for years to come.