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The Blackwell Companion to the Economics of Housing: The Housing Wealth of Nations

ISBN: 978-1-4051-9215-6
648 pages
March 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $249.95
Government Price: US $172.76
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The Blackwell Companion to the Economics of Housing: The Housing Wealth of Nations (1405192151) cover image

Chapter 1: Introduction.

Part One: Banking on Housing.

Introduction, Editors.

Chapter 2: Housing and Mortgage markets: An OECD perspective.

Chapter 3: Is Housing Wealth an ‘ATM’?: International Trends.

Chapter 4: Housing Wealth Effects and Course of the US Economy:  Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications.

Chapter 5: The rise in house prices and household debt in the United Kingdom: potential causes and implications.

Chapter 6: Housing Wealth and Mortgage Debt in Australia.

Chapter 7: A Survey of Housing Equity Withdrawal and Injection in Australia.

Chapter 8: What do we know about equity withdrawal by households in New Zealand?

Chapter 9: What happened to the housing system?

Part Two: Housing Wealth as a Financial Buffer.

Introduction, Editors.

Chapter 10: Trading on housing wealth: political risk in an ageing society.

Chapter 11: Housing Equity Withdrawal and Retirement: Evidence from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA).

Chapter 12: Housing Markets, Wealth and ‘Self-Insurance’ in Spain.

Chapter 13: Housing wealth: a safety net of last resort? Findings from a European study.

Chapter 14: ‘Pots of gold’: Housing wealth and economic wellbeing in Australia.

Chapter 15: Housing Wealth as Insurance:  Insights from the UK.

Chapter 16: Housing to manage debt and family care in the USA.

Chapter 17: The Subprime State of Race.

Chapter 18: The Housing Finance Revolution.

Part Three: Mitigating Housing Risk.

Introduction, Editors.

Chapter 19: How Housing Busts End: House Prices, User Cost and Rigidities During Down Cycles.

Chapter 20: Is there a Role for Shared Equity Products in Twenty-First Century Housing? Experience in Australia and the UK.

Chapter 21: Trading on house price risk:  Index derivatives and home equity insurance.

Chapter 22: Hedging Housing Risk: A Financial Markets Perspective.

Creating housing futures: a view from the market.

Residential property derivatives: exchange-traded futures and options.

Residential Property Derivatives: The role and relevance of over-the-counter trading.

An interim Solution.

Chapter 23: Hedging Housing Risk: Is it Feasible?

Chapter 24: Housing Risk and Property Derivatives: the Role of Financial Engineering.

Chapter 25: Housing Futures: A role for derivatives?

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