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Issues in New Political Economy

Stuart Sayer (Editor)
ISBN: 978-0-631-22643-7
312 pages
January 2002, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $48.75
Government Price: US $31.20
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Issues in New Political Economy (0631226435) cover image


1. Issues in New Political Economy: An Introduction: Stuart Sayer (University of Edinburgh).

2. Political Macroeconomics: A Survey of Recent Developments: Manfred Gõrtner (University of St. Gallen).

3. Central Bank Independence: An Update of Theory and Evidence: Helge Berger (University of Munich), Jakob de Haan (University of Groningen) and Sylvester Eijffinger (Tilburg University). 4. Dependant and Accountable: Evidence from the Modern Theory of Central Banking: Gustavo Piga ( University of Macerata).

5. The Political Economy of Low Inflation: Jonathan Kirshner ( Cornell University & Harvard University).

6. Monetary Policy Rules, Policy Preferences, and Uncertainty: Some Recent Theoretical Contributions: Anton Muscatelli and Carmine Trecroci (University of Glasgow).

7. Social Capital: One or Many? Definition and Measurement: Martin Paldam (University of Aarhus).

8. Corruption: A Review: Arvind Jain (Concordia University).

9. Collective Action: Susanne Lohmann (University of California - Los Angeles). Index.

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