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Statistics for Sensory and Consumer Science

ISBN: 978-0-470-51821-2
304 pages
August 2010
List Price: US $161.25
Government Price: US $111.32
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Professor Tormod Naes is a Principal Research Scientist based at Matforsk, a government food research laboratory, in Norway. He received his PhD in statistics from University of Oslo in 1984. He is also currently employed as a Professor at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Oslo. He serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Chemometrics, Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Food Quality and Preference.
His main area of research is the development and use of multivariate statistical methods in food science. In particular in applications within the areas of sensory analysis, spectroscopy, process optimisation and bioinformatics. He has published 108 refereed papers and co-authored and co-edited 5 books in multivariate analysis and analysis of variance, including the highly cited "Multivariate Calibration" co-authored with Professor Harald Martens (Wiley 1988). He has received the Tomas Hirschfeld award in NIR analysis. (1997), EAS award for achievements in chemometrics (1997), Kowalski award in Chemometrics (J. Wiley and Sons) (2006) and is an Honorary member of the Chemometric Society of Norway (2006).

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