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Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-470-08289-8
424 pages
April 2010
List Price: US $157.00
Government Price: US $103.64
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  • This is the first book of its kind to deal comprehensively with specialized methods for categorical data with ordered categories, though now the more advanced material is relegated to the ends of chapters.
  • Coverage has been updated to feaature recent methods such as log linear, logit, and multinomial logistic regression; repeated measurement ordinal data; and clustering.
  • Section notes have been added to provide reference to further details and to recent relevant research.
  • The use of existing statistical computer packages for implementing the methods is explained; these include SAS, SPSS, GLIM and R subroutines.
  • All of the exercises have been changed, updated, and streamlined. They now require data analyses and deal with interpretations of the methods.
  • An extensive bibliography includes articles dealing with the analysis of ordinal categorical data, pulling together research in the last two decades from widely divergent sources.
  • A related Web site features data sets, SAS programs, and additional supplemental material.

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