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Extrusion-Cooking Techniques: Applications, Theory and Sustainability

ISBN: 978-3-527-32888-8
234 pages
January 2011
List Price: US $115.00
Government Price: US $66.52
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Extrusion-Cooking Techniques: Applications, Theory and Sustainability (3527328882) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

An industrial expert in food and feed sectors and a pioneer of extrusion cooking, Leszek Moscicki is head of the Department of Food Process Engineering, Lublin University of Life Sciences, Poland. After completing his PhD at Lublin Agricultural University, he continued his research at Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands.
He has more than 150 scientific publications to his name, is a national delegate to the International Association of Cereal Science and Technology, a committee member of the Polish Academy of Science as well as several other Polish scientific and professional associations, and has coordinated several EU projects on HTST processing of vegetable raw materials.
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