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Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics: From Chemistry and Pharmacology to Clinical Application, 2 Volume Set

ISBN: 978-3-527-31058-6
1260 pages
April 2007
List Price: US $565.00
Government Price: US $390.36
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Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Anxiolytics: From Chemistry and Pharmacology to Clinical Application, 2 Volume Set (3527310584) cover image

The editors all work for the Spanish-based pharmaceutical company Esteve, a world leader in neuropharmaceuticals.
Helmut Buschmann is the research director of Esteve, in charge of the discovery and development of new active substances for a variety of neurological disorders. He was formerly the head of research at Gruenenthal, a Germany-based pharma company that also specialized in neuropharmaceuticals. During his time at Gruenenthal, he published a widely acclaimed book on analgesics that pioneered the integrated approach followed also in his most recent book.
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