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The Accidental Pornographer: A story about having a go and succeeding...in failing

ISBN: 978-1-906465-25-4
280 pages
July 2009, Capstone
List Price: US $16.50
Government Price: US $8.41
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The Accidental Pornographer: A story about having a go and succeeding...in failing (1906465258) cover image

"Hilarious, Heart-warming foray into porn." (Scarlet, October)

"...excellent book for business beginners...written in a fresh, breezy style" (Erotic Review, September)

 "With its saucy matter, colourful cast and cheeky tone, it's easy to forget that his is a business book. What makes it genuinely interesting is that it's a business book all about failure." (Daily Mail, September 26, 2008)

"Honest and amusing...inspiring in a refreshingly personal way...This book is perfect for anyone starting up a business" (Start Your Business, October, 2008)

"...the tale of [a] shipping nagnate who brought The Erotic Review...and ammusinglt failed to make a living out of it." (The Independent, October 10, 2008)

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