BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline UltrasonographyISBN: 978-1-905319-30-5
232 pages
July 2011
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European Veterinary Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging
Frances Barr qualified from Cambridge University in 1979. She holds RCVS and European Diplomas In Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, and has been awarded the BSAVA Blaine and Woodrow Awards for advances in small animal medicine and surgery. She is currently Senior Teaching Fellow in Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Bristol, where she spends most of her time working in the hospital clinics and teaching diagnostic imaging to veterinary undergraduates.
Lorrie Gaschen PhD Dr.habil DVM DrMedVet Dip.ECVDI
Lorrie Gaschen received her DVM from the University of Florida and was in private practice in Florida for 2 years before completing a diagnostic imaging residency at the University of Bern and becoming a Diplomat of the ECVDI. She received her PhD in renal transplant imaging from the University Medical School in Utrecht, then returned to the University of Bern where she became an Associate Professor. She is currently a Professor and Section Chief at the Louisiana State University, Section of Diagnostic Imaging, and has written papers and book chapters mainly in the field of gastrointestinal ultrasonography, where she has done the majority of her research. She is a frequent speaker on the ultrasonography at national and international meetings, and regularly conducts ultrasonography courses for veterinarians in private practice.