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The Practice-Based Educator: A Reflective Tool for CPD and Accreditation

ISBN: 978-1-86156-422-1
268 pages
August 2006
List Price: US $88.50
Government Price: US $51.16
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Designed for all those involved in education within the practice-based setting, this book encourages the reader to become involved in their own personal development as a practice-based educator through reflection on their own practice. The reader is encouraged to generate and organise evidence of their own Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through practice-based learning and teaching activities.

The text is user-friendly and includes sections on the context of practice-based education, the role of the practice-based educator, facilitating learning in a practice-based setting, and assessing and evaluating practice-based learning.

  • The authors are all educators of experience who have for many years been involved in practice-based education
  • Fully updated to cover current trends such as the move to community-based practice and inter-professional practice
  • Practical features include activities, reflective assignments and literature references

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