Mechanics of Unsaturated GeomaterialsISBN: 978-1-84821-266-4
381 pages
August 2010, Wiley-ISTE
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Preface xv
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts in the Mechanics and Hydraulics of
Unsaturated Geomaterials 3
Alessandro TARANTINO
1.1. Water retention mechanisms in capillary systems 4
1.2. Water retention behavior of geomaterials 9
1.3. Water retention mechanisms in geomaterials and the concept of suction 11
1.4. Water flow in capillary systems 18
1.5. Mechanical interactions at the microscale 20
1.6. Microscopic interpretation of volumetric“collapse “ and shear strength 23
1.7. Bibliography 27
Chapter 2. Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils 29
Lyesse LALOUI, Mathieu NUTH and Bertrand FRANCOIS
2.1. Introduction 29
2.2. Stress states 30
2.3. Thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils 31
2.4. Effective stress in unsaturated soils 39
2.5. A coupled THM constitutive framework for unsaturated soils 43
2.6. Conclusion 51
2.7. Bibliography 51
Chapter 3. Desiccation Cracking of Soils 55
Herve PERON, Lyesse LALOUI, Liang-Bo HU and Tomasz
3.1. Introduction 55
3.2. Physical processes involved in desiccation cracking of soils 56
3.3. Experimental characterization of desiccation process in soils and its controlling variables 69
3.4. Scenarios of soil desiccation crack pattern formation 74
3.5. Conclusion 79
3.6. Bibliography 80
Chapter 4. Experimental Techniques for Unsaturated
Geomaterials 89
4.1. Introduction 89
4.2. Techniques for controlling suction 90
4.3. Techniques for measuring suction 94
4.4. Mechanical testing devices 97
4.5. Concluding remarks 104
4.6. Bibliography 105
Chapter 5. New Experimental Tools for the Characterization of
Highly Overconsolidated Clayey Materials in Unsaturated Conditions
Simon SALAGER, Alessio FERRARI and Lyesse LALOUI
5.1. Introduction 113
5.2. Sorption bench 114
5.3. High pressure THM oedometric cell 118
5.4. High pressure and high temperature THM triaxial cell 122
5.5. Conclusions 126
5.6. Bibliography 126
Chapter 6. Field Measurement of Suction, Water Content and
Water Permeability 129
Alessandro TARANTINO
6.1. Direct measurement of suction 129
6.2. Indirect measurement of suction 136
6.3. Measurement of water content 140
6.4. Field measurement of water permeability 150
6.5. Bibliography 151
Chapter 7. Hydromechanical Coupling Theory in Unsaturated
Geomaterials and Its Numerical Integration 157
Robert CHARLIER, Jean-Pol RADU, Pierre GERARD and Frederic
7.1. Introduction – problems to be treated 157
7.2. Numerical tools: the finite element method 163
7.3. Coupling various problems 176
7.4. Acknowledgment 182
7.5. Bibliography 182
Chapter 8. Conservation Laws for Coupled Hydro-Mechanical
Processes in Unsaturated Porous Media: Theory and Implementation
Ronaldo I. BORJA and Joshua A. WHITE
8.1. Introduction 185
8.2. Mass and momentum conservation laws 187
8.3. Balance of energy and the effective stress 190
8.4. Formulation of boundary-value problem 193
8.5. Numerical example 198
8.6. Summary and conclusions 205
8.7. Acknowledgements 206
8.8. Bibliography 206
Chapter 9. Strain Localization Modeling in Coupled Transient
Phenomena 209
Frederic COLLIN, Yannick SIEFFERT and Rene CHAMBON
9.1. Introduction 209
9.2. Experimental evidence 210
9.3. Regularization techniques 212
9.4. Numerical modeling 215
9.5. Applications 221
9.6. Conclusions 227
9.7. Acknowledgment 228
9.8. Bibliography 228
Chapter 10. Modeling Landslides in Partially Saturated Slopes
Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration 235
10.1. Introduction: the hazard of shallow landslides 235
10.2. Physical processes in unsaturated soil slopes 236
10.3. Theoretical framework for unsaturated soils 237
10.4. Numerical modeling of an unsaturated soil slope subjected to rainfall events 242
10.5. Conclusion 249
10.6. Bibliography 249
Chapter 11. Thermally Induced Moisture Transport and Pore
Pressure Generation in Nearly Saturated Geomaterials 251
11.1. Introduction 251
11.2. Modeling background 252
11.3. Coupled heat and moisture diffusion 253
11.4. Heat-induced moisture transport in a bentonite-sand mixture 257
11.5. Computational simulations of the behavior of bentonite-sand mixture 260
11.6. THM processes in a porous medium 263
11.7. Computational modeling of the THM processes 265
11.8. Experimental modeling of the THM processes in a cementitious block 267
11.9. Comparison of experimental results and computational estimates 270
11.10. Concluding remarks 272
11.11. Acknowledgments 273
11.12. Bibliography 274
Chapter 12. Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials Applied to
Nuclear Waste Storage 279
Antonio GENS
12.1. Introduction 279
12.2. THM phenomena in the near field 282
12.3. Theoretical formulation and coupled analysis 284
12.4. Coupled THM analyses of the unsaturated barrier and adjacent rock 286
12.5. Conclusions 299
12.6. Acknowledgments 300
12.7. Bibliography 300
Chapter 13. Soil–Pipeline Interaction in Unsaturated
Soils 303
Dilan ROBERT and Kenichi SOGA
13.1. Introduction 303
13.2. Large-scale physical model experiments 304
13.3. Behavior of unsaturated sands 308
13.4. Numerical modeling of the behavior of unsaturated sands 314
13.5. Numerical modeling of the physical model experiments 319
13.6. Dimensionless force – H/D relationship for pipelines in unsaturated soils 321
13.7. Conclusions 323
13.8. Acknowledgments 324
13.9. Bibliography 324
Chapter 14. Coefficient B, Consolidation, and Swelling in
Fine Soils Near Saturation in Engineering Practice 327
14.1. Introduction 327
14.2. Model assumptions 328
14.3. How to determine the model? 342
14.4. Why is it interesting for engineers? 345
14.5. Application to Cubzac-les-Ponts experimental embankment 346
14.6. Conclusion 348
14.7. Bibliography 349
Chapter 15. Geomechanical Analysis of River Embankments
Cristina JOMMI and Gabriele DELLA VECCHIA
15.1. Introduction 353
15.2. Design specifications and materials 355
15.3. Coupled hydro-mechanical modeling 361
15.4. Simulation and interpretation of experimental data 367
15.5. Final remarks 371
15.6. Bibliography 373
List of Authors 375
Index 379