Control Methods for Electrical MachinesISBN: 978-1-84821-093-6
384 pages
July 2009, Wiley-ISTE
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Preface xi
Chapter 1. Overview of Mechanical Transmission Problems 1
Pascal FONTAINE and Christian CUNAT
1.1. Technological aspects1
1.2. Bibliography 28
Chapter 2. Reminders of Solid Mechanics 31
Jean-Francois SCHMITT and Rachid RAHOUADJ
2.1. Reminders of dynamics 31
2.2. Application example: dynamic balance of a rigid rotor 42
2.3. Analytical dynamics (Euler-Lagrange) 46
2.4. Linear energies in the neighborhood of the balance for a non-damped discrete system 49
2.5. Vibratory behavior of a discrete non-damped system around an equilibrium configuration 51
2.6. Analytical study of the vibratory behavior of a milling machine table 53
2.7. Bibliography 61
Chapter 3. Towards a Global Formulation of the Problem of Mechanical Drive 63
Christian CUNAT, Mohamed HABOUSSI and Jean Francois GANGHOFFER
3.1. Presentation of the mechanical drive modeling problem 63
3.2. Brief review on continuum mechanics 72
3.3. Bibliography 89
Chapter 4. Continuous-time Linear Control 91
Frederic KRATZ
4.1. Introduction 91
4.2. PID controllers 91
4.3. PID controllers 100
4.4. Methods based on previous knowledge of a system model 104
4.5. Linear state feedback control systems 107
4.6. Optimal control 117
4.7. Choice of a control 129
4.8. Bibliography 130
Chapter 5. Overview of Various Controls 131
Frederic KRATZ
5.1. Introduction 131
5.2. Internal model controller 132
5.3. Predictive control 141
5.4. Sliding control 149
5.5. Bang-bang control 152
5.6. Control-based fuzzy logic 154
5.7. Neural network control 164
5.8. Bibliography 167
Chapter 6. Sliding Mode Control 169
6.1. Introduction169
6.2. Illustrative example 170
6.3. Basic concepts 172
6.4. Direct Lyapunov method 184
6.5. Equivalent control method 189
6.6. Imposing a surface dynamic 198
6.7. The choice of sliding surface 200
6.8. Conclusion 203
6.9. Notations 203
6.10. Bibliography 204
Chapter 7. Parameter Estimation for Knowledge and Diagnosis of Electrical Machines 207
Jean-Claude TRIGEASSOU, Thierry POINOT and Smail BACHIR
7.1. Introduction 207
7.2. Identification using output-error algorithms 210
7.3. Parameter estimation with a priori information 218
7.4. Parameter estimation of the induced machine 225
7.5. Fault detection and localization based on parameter estimation 232
7.6. Conclusion 241
7.7. Bibliography 241
Chapter 8. Diagnosis of Induction Machines by Parameter Estimation 245
8.1. Introduction 245
8.2. Induction motor model for fault detection 246
8.3. Diagnosis procedure 261
8.4. Conclusion 267
8.5. Bibliography 268
Chapter 9. Time-based Coordination 271
Michel DUFAUT and Rene HUSSON
9.1. Introduction 271
9.2. Brief description system 272
9.3. Some ideas on the manipulator system models 277
9.4. Coordination of motion 286
9.5. Conclusion 304
9.6. Bibliography 304
Chapter 10. Multileaf Collimators 307
Sabine ELLES and Bruno MAURY
10.1. Radiotherapy 307
10.2. Multileaf collimators 310
10.3. Intensity modulated radiotherapy 317
10.4. Conclusion 328
10.5. Bibliography 329
Chapter 11. Position and Velocity Coordination: Control of Machine-Tool Servomotors 331
Patrick BOUCHER and Didier DUMUR
11.1. Open architecture systems 331
11.2. Structure and implementation of control laws 334
11.3. Application to machines-tools axis drive control 339
11.4. Conclusions 362
11.5. Bibliography 364
List of Authors 367
Index 369