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Scores on the Board: The 5-Part System for Building Skills, Teams and Businesses

ISBN: 978-1-74216-953-8
256 pages
November 2009
List Price: US $21.00
Government Price: US $15.27
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Scores on the Board: The 5-Part System for Building Skills, Teams and Businesses (1742169538) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

From soccer pitch to sitting room, from small business to corporate board … this book holds the keys to improving yourself and your results no matter what game you are playing.
—Giles Spackman, Finance Director, Google, EMEA

In Scores on the Board™, Bill Lang uses a simple story about a soccer team to demonstrate how his techniques can be used by any organisation to achieve high levels of success with little effort. A MUST READ for any business.
—Chris Vanderkley, Chief Financial Offi cer — General Electric, ANZ

This book may well become the gold standard for how to translate what we say we need to do into what we actually do for ourselves, our families and the organisations we serve.
—Tony Johnson, Partner Financial Services — Oceania Assurance Leader, Ernst & Young

An insightful read into a 5-part system which is essential reading for all team leaders and business owners.
—Geoff Greer, Executive General Manager — Business Banking, National Australia Bank

From start-ups to global brands, this book provides practical everyday examples that illustrate how to improve the performance of any team or business.
—Alan Court, Business Development, INTEL Corporation

The simple system explained in this book will help you build your skills and performance to world-class levels in world-record time!
—Dave Phua, Managing Director, Training Edge International (Singapore)

Great coaching is more than good advice — it’s a mental game. In his book Scores on the Board™, Bill Lang explores the various tactics of the game by sharing his considerable experience in easy-to-digest chunks.
—Martin Lindstrom, author of Buyology:

Truth and Lies About Why We Buy Developing the skills to be great team players and leaders is essential for helping people maximise their potential and contribution to their organisations. This book provides each of us with the inspiration and practical strategies we need to help each other be all we can be.
—Sylvia Perrins, Chief Executive Offi cer, National Skills Academy Financial Services, United Kingdom

Scores on the Board™ skillfully uses the rollercoaster ride of the Vikings and their parents as the backdrop to describe the latest research on emotional leadership, learning and engagement. The practical guidelines for application to the workplace will ensure its place on the top of the desk and not on the book shelf.
—Tim Ford, Principal — Leadership Consulting, Heidrick & Struggles

As it does in this fast-paced story, the Scores on the Board™ system can work for anyone who wants to build their skills and lead their teams to greater performances — I have seen it fi rst hand in our stores, call centres and management teams.
—Chris Bayliss, General Manager — Retail Banking, Bank of New Zealand

Around the world, the ability of our team leaders to develop their skills and engage their people is central to our business growth. This book contains the insights and practical strategies to build emotional leadership skills and continuous performance improvements.
—Peter Flavel, Global Head of The Standard Chartered Private Bank

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