Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VIIIISBN: 978-1-57498-159-9
398 pages
August 2003
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Preface xi
Recycling of Ceramics and Glasses
Industrial Applications for Spent Refractory Materials 3
J.R Bennett and K.-S. Kwong
Ceramic-Based Magnetic Extractants for Removal of Organics from
Water 15
A. Apblett, S.M. Al-Fadul, and TM.Trad
Investigation on a Recycling Process of Waste Colored Glass
D. Chen, H. Masui,T. Akai, and T.Yazawa
Use of Mid-Delaware River Dredge Sediment as a Raw Material in
Ceramic Processing 31
K. Hill and KA. Haber
Sodium Extraction from Waste Glass by Acid Leaching to Obtain a
Silica Source for Construction Materials 39
T. Akai, D. Chen.YYamamoto.T Shirakami, K. Urabe, K. Kuraoka,
and I Yazawa
Emissions in Glass and Ceramic Industries
Analysis of Emissions from Nitrate Containing Glasses 49
S. Luo and LE. Jones
Characterizing Particulate Emissions using Micrometer-Scale
X-Ray Fluorescence 59
J.R Shackelford, RB. Kelly, S.S. Cliff, M.Jimenez-Cruz, and TA
Dilatometry and Mass Spectrometry Study of the Decomposition and
Sintering of Calcium Carbonate 67
K. Feng and S.J. Lombardo
Lead-Free Electronics: Current and Pending Legislation 75
J.M. Schoenung
First Delisting Petition Approval by the US EPA for a Vitrified
Mixed Waste 83
J.B. Pickett, CM. Jantzen, and LC Martin
Characterization of Defense Nuclear Waste using Hazardous Waste
Guidance: Insights on the Process at Hanford 95
M. Lerchen, L Huffman, W. Hamel, and K. Wiemers
Effect of Transition/Non-Transition Metal Modification on the
Activity of Ga203-Al203 Catalyst for NOx Reduction by Hydrocarbon
under Oxygen-Rich Conditions 105
M.H. Zahir, S. Katayama, K. Maeda, and M. Awano
Vitrification Technology and Melter Disassembly
COGEMA Experience in Operating and Dismantling HLW Melter
R. Do-Quang, J.L Desvaux, R Mougnard, A. Jouan, and C.
Conceptual Methods for Disposal of a DWPF Melter and Components
M.E. Smith, D.F. Bickford, F.M. Heckendom, and E.M.
Evaluation of Crystallinity Constraint for HLW Glass Processing
R Hrma, J. Matyás, and D.-S. Kim
Ruthenium - Spinel Interaction in a Model High-Level Waste (HLW)
Glass 141
TM.Willwater, J.V Crum, S.M. Goodwin, and S.K. Sundaram
Glass Formulation and Testing
Interim Models Developed to Predict Key Hanford Waste Glass
Properties using
Composition 151
J.D. Vienna, D-S. Kim, and R Hrma
Relationship between Liquidus Temperature and Solubility
R Hrma and J.D.Vienna
Glass Formulation for INEEL Sodium Bearing Waste 169
J.D.Vienna, D.-S. Kim, and D.K. Peeler
Vitrification of Korean Low-Level Waste 177
LO. Nelson, P Kong, G.Anderson, K. Choi, C.-W. Kim, and S.-W
Phase Equilibria,Viscosity, Durability, and Raman Spectra in the
System for Idaho Nuclear Waste Forms 185
S.V. Raman, B.A. Scholes, A. Erickson, and A.A. Zareba
Measurement of Simulated Waste Glass Viscosity 199
R.F. Schumacher,T.B. Edwards, D.K. Peeler, and A.G. Blum
Hanford Tank Waste Treatment
Hanford Low-Level Waste Form Performance for Meeting Land
Disposal Requirements 209
R.F. Schumacher C.L Crawford, N.E. Bibler, D.M. Ferrara, HD.
Smith, G.L Smith, J.D.Vienna, DB. Blumenkranz, DJ. Swanberg,
I.L. Pegg, and I.S. Müller
Leaching Mechanism of Borosilicate Glasses under TCLP Conditions
H. Gan and I.L. Pegg
Electrochemical Studies of Sulfate-Containing Waste Glass Melts
I.Vidensky, H. Gan, A.C. Buechele, and I.L. Pegg
Durability Testing and Modeling
Modeling High-Level Waste Glass Degradation in Performance
Assessment Calculations 235
W.L Ebert
Waste Glass Corrosion: Some Open Questions 245
P Hrma, J.D Vienna, and J.D. Yeager
Vapor Phase Hydration of Glasses in H20 and D20 253
T.R. Schatz, A.C. Buechele, C.F. Mooers, RWysoczanski, and I.L
Modeling Fluid Chemistry Inside a Waste Package Due to Waste
Form and Waste Package Corrosion 263
V.Jain and N. Sridhar
Leaching Full-Scale Fractured Glass Blocks 275
Y Minet and N. Godon
Development of Sensors for Waste Package Testing and Monitoring
in the Long-Term Repository Environments 283
V Jain, S. Brossia, D. Dunn, and L.Yang
Corrosion of Partially Crystallized Glasses 291
R Hrma, B.J. Riley, and J.D.Vienna
Ceramic and Alternative Waste Forms
Development ofTitanate Ceramic Wasteforms and Crystal Chemistry
of Incorporated Uranium and Plutonium 301
E.R. Vance
Substitution of Zr, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, Co, and Ni in Zirconolite,
CaZrTi2Oy 313
E.R.Vance, J.V. Hanna, B.A. Hunter, B.D. Begg, D.S. Perera, H.
Li, and Z.-M. Zhang
Effects of Sub-Surface Damage Induced by Mechanical Polishing on
Leach Testing of Cesium-Bearing Hollandite 321
M.L Carter; E.R. Vance, D.J. Attard, and D.R.G. Mitchell
Iron Phosphate Glasses for Vitrifying Sodium Bearing Waste
C.-W. Kim, D. Zhu, D.E. Day, and D Gombert
Phosphate Glasses for Vitrification of Waste with High Sulfur
Content 337
D.-S. Kim, J.D.Vienna, R Hrma, and N. Cassingham
Solubility of High-Chrome Nuclear Wastes in Iron Phosphate
Glasses 347
W. Huang, C.-W. Kim, C.S. Ray, and D.E. Day
Development of a Sampling Method for Qualification of a Ceramic
High-Level Waste Form 355
T.R. O'Holleran and K.J. Bateman
Microwave Heating for Production of a Glass Bonded Ceramic
High-Level Waste Form 363
T.R. O'Holleran
Morphology and Composition of Simulant Waste Loaded Polymer
Composite - Phase Inversion, Encapsulation, and Durability
H.D. Smith, G.L Smith, G. Xia, and B.J.J. Zelinski
93Nb MAS NMR of Niobium Containing Silicotitanate Exchange
Materials 377
B.R. Cherry, M. Nyman, and I M . Alam
Selective Absorption of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides from
Water in a Direct-to-Ceramic Process 385
B.R Kiran, A.W. Apblett, and M. Chehbouni
Index 395